Exploring zk-SNARKs: Privacy, Efficiency, and Vitalik Buterin’s Perspective

Fluent (Prev. Wasm0)
4 min readMay 26, 2023


Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, has long been a prominent figure in the blockchain space, known for his visionary insights and forward-thinking perspectives. In one of his notable statements, made during the Ethereum Community Conference (EDCON), Buterin highlighted the immense importance of zk-SNARKs, proclaiming, “zK-SNARKs are going to be as important as #Blockchains in the next 10 years.”

This bold proclamation by Buterin captures the transformative potential of zk-SNARKs, a cryptographic technology that combines privacy and efficiency to revolutionize various industries. In this article, we will delve into the world of zk-SNARKs, exploring their significance, applications, and potential to reshape the future of cryptography and beyond.

Introduction to zk-SNARKs:

zk-SNARKs are cryptographic tools allowing one party to prove knowledge of certain information to another without revealing any additional details. The concept of zero-knowledge proofs, upon which zk-SNARKs are built, was initially introduced in the 1980s. However, zk-SNARKs go a step further by being succinct (i.e., short) and non-interactive, which makes them highly efficient.

What does that mean?

The succinctness of zk-SNARKs ensures that the generated proof is concise and can be verified swiftly. This is crucial for scalability, as it enables efficient verification on devices with limited resources. Meanwhile, non-interactivity implies that the proof can be generated without back-and-forth communication between the involved parties. These features make zk-SNARKs practical for real-world applications.

How do zk-SNARKs work?

zk-SNARKs leverage mathematical constructs involving elliptic curve pairings and homomorphic encryption. These techniques enable the creation of proofs that can be verified using public parameters, without disclosing the underlying data. Simplistically, here’s how zk-SNARKs function:

  1. Setup: Trusted parties generate initial parameters, like elliptic curves and encryption keys, for the zk-SNARKs scheme.
  2. Key Generation: The prover and verifier generate their secret and public keys.
  3. Circuit Representation: The problem at hand is transformed into a Boolean circuit representation.
  4. Witness and Computation: The prover computes the witness containing the necessary information to prove the statement’s validity and performs the required computations on the circuit.
  5. Proof Generation: Utilizing the witness and circuit, the prover generates a zk-SNARKs proof — a succinct representation of the computation and the witness.
  6. Verification: The verifier, armed with the proof, the circuit, and the public keys, verifies the proof’s validity.
  7. Soundness: zk-SNARKs schemes are designed to have a negligible probability of producing false proofs, ensuring the system’s security.

Vitalik Buterin’s Perspective:

During his talk at the Ethereum Community Conference (EDCON), Vitalik Buterin expressed his belief in the transformative potential of zk-SNARKs. He went as far as stating, “zK-SNARKs are going to be as important as #Blockchains in the next 10 years.” Buterin’s remark underscores the significance of zk-SNARKs in revolutionizing various industries, including finance, privacy, identity, and more.

Vitalik, EDCON

Practical Applications:

zk-SNARKs have already found practical use cases in different domains. Let’s explore a few notable examples:

  1. Privacy in Cryptocurrencies: By leveraging zk-SNARKs, cryptocurrencies like Zcash achieve transaction privacy. Sender, recipient, and transaction amounts can remain anonymous while maintaining transaction integrity.
  2. Decentralized Identity: zk-SNARKs enable verifiable credentials and self-sovereign identity systems. Users can prove their identity or attributes without compromising sensitive personal information.
  3. Supply Chain and Auditing: zk-SNARKs can verify the authenticity and integrity of data within supply chains, facilitating efficient audits while protecting sensitive business information.
  4. Scalable Blockchain Solutions: By employing zk-SNARKs, blockchains can enhance scalability by reducing the computational burden of transaction verification and maintaining the blockchain’s integrity.


zk-SNARKs represent a powerful cryptographic toolset, empowering privacy and efficiency in diverse applications. With the endorsement of visionaries like Vitalik Buterin, their potential impact cannot be underestimated. As zk-SNARKs continue to evolve and research progresses, we can expect groundbreaking cryptography advancements and widespread adoption. In the next decade, zk-SNARKs might be as vital as blockchains, shaping the future of technology.

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