Wasm0 (ZKWasm): A New Blockchain Environment for Mass Adoption

Fluent (Prev. Wasm0)
3 min readFeb 3, 2023


The benefits of Web3 technology have been touted with promises of decentralization, security, and autonomy for users. But as we stand on the brink of mass adoption, the question remains: will anyone actually show up?

With Web3, individuals and businesses can own and control their data, transactions, and digital assets. This starkly contrasts today's centralized web, where large corporations and governments control and monetize user data. But as with any new technology, there are hurdles to overcome before it can be widely adopted.

What’s standing in the way of Web3 mass adoption?

  1. High gas fees and low performance

One major obstacle to Web3 mass adoption is the high gas fees and low performance reported on the Ethereum blockchain, which uses the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to execute smart contracts. Gas fees are the cost of executing a transaction and are necessary to compensate the network’s miners for processing transactions and securing the network.

However, as the network's popularity grows, so do gas fees, making it increasingly expensive to use. These inefficiencies lead to a suboptimal user experience and slow adoption.

2. Lack of advanced developer tooling

Another major obstacle is the lack of advanced developer tooling to build new and better experiences. While there are a growing number of tools and frameworks for building decentralized apps (dApps), they are still in their infancy and need to gain the maturity and ease of use of traditional web development tools.

3. Steep learning curve

Finally, there’s the issue of complexity. Solidity and Vyper, the languages used for building on EVM, are unorthodox and difficult to learn, making it a barrier for developers wanting to transition to Web3.

For Web2 developers, the added languages and concepts required to build in Web3 can be daunting and off-putting. This makes it difficult for Web2 developers to contribute to the ecosystem and for the general public to understand and use it.

Building With WASM: A Better Way Forward

WebAssembly (WASM) was originally designed to enable high-performance apps on web pages. Still, it can also be applied to blockchain and smart contract development in a technically superior way to EVM.

WASM is faster, more efficient, and more portable than EVM and can be used with a wider range of programming languages, including C, C++, C#, Assembly Script, and RUST. This makes it easier for Web2 developers to transition to Web3 and for Web3 developers to create more advanced applications.

Introducing Wasm0: A New Blockchain & Developer Environment

Wasm0 is a new Layer-2 Blockchain that leverages a zkWASM Virtual Machine to provide a trustworthy, generic multichain execution layer for all chains. It replicates the WASM environment as a rollup and allows developers to build on it as they would on EVM chains. With Wasm0, developers can deploy any smart contract, use any tool, and build just as they would with WASM.

Why Build on Wasm0?

Building on Wasm0 will enable the seamless integration of libraries and apps into the blockchain with zkWASM. It will unlock interoperability and allow for building dApps with shared liquidity and state by combining cross-chain Layer2 and multichain zkRollup technology.

Developers will be able to use their preferred programming languages, such as C++, Rust, and Script, to write contracts and easily convert them into WASM. This will make it easier to connect Web2 with Web3, leading to the mass adoption of mainstream users.

Be among the first to build on Wasm0

Lead the charge in blockchain mass adoption by building high-performance, interoperable applications that open Web3 to a new world of developers and users like never before.

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Authored by: Krinza Momin | @kayprasla

