Find Your Missing Peace

Rohit Malhotra
2 min readOct 20, 2018


You are constantly subjected to the vagaries of this impermanent entropic universe. You can objectively decide to filter out the noise or view them from a third-person perspective, decide how the body that embodies your infinite mind will react to this, this struggle, this pain, this so-called looped unlucky event cycle that you think you are trapped in. Eventually, it will be as simple as brushing your teeth or grabbing that cup of hot joe.

You know when its pitch black and you reach out and grab something you estimate is within your arms reach? How do you think you can pull that off? Do you know precisely where that object is located? Do you have access to night vision? It is nothing but your basal ganglia taking over. Like an onion encased in layers and peels of flesh, so is our brain. At the center of this is our basal ganglia. The part of the brain responsible for habit formation.

Build better habits. I draw the analogy of reaching out and grabbing something in the dark to urge you to think. Think how this applies to your life. To your circumstance. To the opportunities that lie ahead of you. To the road not taken.

Opportunity is like a bus, it’ll keep coming back but you need to be ready with your hardwork and dedication as the fare required to board it.

When you’ve subjected your mind and body to days, weeks, months, years of discipline and guidance, opportunity is bound to come knocking and even if it doesn’t you can simply choose to reach out and grab what you know is there. And i hope, one day, you do and i hope that one day, is today.

The ripples of your thoughts will cripple you, distraught,
you are blind, so find that peace/piece within,
that tells you,
you are one of a kind.



Rohit Malhotra

Helping people look inward. I’m now inactive on Medium, here’s my alter ego on Instagram