Introduction Browsh — A Modern Text-based Browser

Tony Lin
1 min readJul 11, 2018


Today, I noticed that there is an interesting stuff : Browsh, it’s a text browser that can render HTML5, WebGL. Pretty cool and let’s have a look.

Github :

#Pull the browsh docker image
docker pull browsh/browsh
#Run the browsh docker image
docker run -ti browsh/browsh

I use quicktime on Mac to do a screen recording, then I use ffmpeg to covert to git and paste here.

ffmpeg -i -pix_fmt rgb24 browsh-demo.gif

You can search on google, see video on youtube! Note that when I see the video my fan on Mac start to speed up… Let’s keep an eye on it and see what’s next coming.



Tony Lin

Enterprise Architecture | Application Architecture | Data Architecture