3 best surf schools in Selong Belanak

5 min readOct 1, 2023


Hey there, aspiring surfer! Feeling the pull of the tide and the lure of the waves? But…just a tad unsure where to kick-start your surfing journey? Well, you’re in the right place. The beautiful Selong Belanak beach in Indonesia is a surf paradise calling your name. But the big question is — Where should you learn to become one with the waves?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll guide you to the top three surf schools right in the heart of this surfers’ paradise! So, before you wax your surfboard, tighten your leash and brave the big, beautiful blue — take a look at this vital list!

  • Mul’s Surf School
  • Local surf school
  • Hary Surf School

As soon as you set foot on the sand, you’ll notice that all the beach side warungs (restaurants) offer surf lessons and board rentals. Don’t worry if everyone seems eager to catch your attention all at once. Remember, you can often snag a better deal by choosing a warung further away from the entrance. This is why we picked the top 3 for you!

Muls’s Surf School

Ever wonder why this surf school tops the charts on Google Maps? Well, that’s because it’s got the vibe of a cozy, family-run, local joint! A whopping 5.0 rating isn’t lying! Picture this, top-notch food without burning a hole in your pocket, state-of-the-art boards, and instructors who really know their stuff. A two-hour board rental comes in at a steal of 50,000 IDR, and classes? Well, you’re looking at 250,000 IDR for a two-hour session, and get this, you’ll never be in a class of more than two! Yep, that’s personalized attention right there! Fancy a spot of spearfishing? They’ve got that covered too! But, what really sets this place apart is the pure, undiluted authenticity. Meet Mul and his family, the heartbeat of this operation, and you’ll feel the genuine warmth and passion they bring to the table!

You can drop by directly at their school at the end of the beach or contact Mul on Whatsapp: +62 818–0525–9105

Tip: Try the Gado-Gado while there! You won’t regret it :)

Hary Surf School

Look no further than this highly esteemed, professional surf school right here on Selong Belanak’s beach! Imagine the salty sea breeze, a board under your feet, and nothing but the sound of roaring waves. That’s the feeling of pure joy that this school brings. They offer more than just fantastic surf lessons, at a super convenient cost of 300,000 IDR for a private beginner lesson.

It’s not just our word you got to trust, but also tons of stellar reviews on Google Maps lauding their surf lessons — a true testimony that they aren’t just good, they’re ah-mazing!

Plus, the food there! We’re talking finger-licking goodness to satisfy your post-surfing hunger. Their surfboards? Top-notch quality, guaranteed to keep you steady and balanced on those waves.

To take a virtual sneak peek of this wicked surf school before you head down, their beautifully designed website is just a click away!

Local surf school

Ever wondered why this surf school is likely the biggest around? Well, there’s a great reason! Ready for the ultimate surf encounter teamed up with lip-smacking food and top-notch instructors? This school has it all! From exceptional reviews that shout out ‘five stars’ to an exciting, buzzing atmosphere, who can resist? Sure, this place may get a little crowded, but isn’t that part of the thrill? Embrace the surge of fellow surfers! Dive right in, you absolutely can’t go wrong with this one!

Bonus Tips

Extra tip for you, get this: Ever dreamed of seeing yourself ride the waves for the very first time, just like a pro? Guess what, it’s totally possible! Expansive beaches of Selong Belanak come with their own paparazzi — the on-beach photographers! Spot one, and don’t hesitate to ask them to click your pictures. They might not come super cheap, but hey, they are affordable enough for these priceless captures of your first surf! Prices, you ask? Well, they can flex a bit but usually hover around 50,000 IDR per snap.

Hey, since you’ve made it this far, I’ve got a pro-tip just for you: never ever skimp on sunscreen! You know us fair-skinned folks, we’re not exactly BFFs with the sun, right? So picture this: you’re out there splashing in the waves, and guess what? The sun’s dying to leave its mark on you, turning you into a lobster faster than you can say ‘surf’s up’!

But worry not, my friend! Rad surf schools have got your back! They’ll hook you up with the coolest long-sleeved surfwear to shield you from that fiery old sun. Oh, but hold up! Don’t forget about your legs and that beautiful face of yours. You gotta keep them safe and sound too!
Now, here’s where things get even more exciting! Ever heard of that magical zinc lotion made just for water babies like us? Smack it on your face, believe me, it’s like having an invisible shield against those pesky sun rays. It’s time to make the most of it and enjoy the sun, my friend!

Source: https://wavehousebali.com/surf-zinc/




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