The Beauty of Spectacle

Jaden Bowen
3 min readAug 26, 2016


Technology is constantly evolving and with this evolution comes new and exciting methods of creating film spectacles. I have always been a lover of visual stimulating films, and seeing spectacles before is such a pleasurable experience. So when I was asked if I thought technology had eroded the art of film storytelling, I was ready to write this blog explaining why I believe technology has enhanced film making. See some films focus heavily on appealing visuals rather than an engaging narrative, and there is no problem for me with that. Of course, I still love an amazing narrative, and when a film can do both I am happy, but I want to explain why for me technology is only enhancing the craft of film-making.

Transformers: Age of Extinction

When we talk about technology and visual spectacle I feel obliged to bring up Micheal Bay and the transformer series. Now this franchise has racked in a large $1,325,037,329 at the box office, with each films earning into the millions. This is a clear representation that there is a large audience for these films, despite critics hating them. It’s safe to say that there is a definite appeal for spectacles in films, and the Bay’s work relies heavily on spectacle rather than narrative. I for one, am a fan of this, because when I pay to see a transformers movie, I am going to be visually entertained by watching impressive actions scene with massive CGI robots. Moving on from films that are a just pure spectacle, there are other films, where without the use of evolving technology, would not be the amazing films they are. Jurassic Park, Avatar (Jame’s Cameron), Lord of the Rings, and even the Avengers are all possible because of the innovations in film making techniques and technology. The directors were able to create the worlds and characters they wanted, to help bring a visual spectacle to their narrative, combining the both to create amazing works. Without the use of technology, Peter Jackson’s Lord of The Rings would never have happened, or the dinosaurs are Jurassic Park would have been stop motion rather than CGI.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Now that you have some examples where technology and spectacle have increased the quality and scope of films being created, I would like to inform you why I love these parts of film making. I want to be part of making of films that are meant to transport the viewer to new worlds, I love Sci-fi, fantasy, action, horror, all of these have elements that cannot be experienced by the audiences of such films. To do this the latest innovations in technology can allow me to create new spectacles in my films, to engage my audiences in narratives that could never be told. CGI can allow me to create new and vast worlds, while motion tracking allows me to make fluent and believable characters, all of which serve a purpose in the narrative I want to create. This is why I believe the use of technology and spectate are an incredible and efficient part of film making.

So some people like to stick to the old fashion techniques of filmmaking, which is fine with me, and I can still enjoy those films. But to say that technology is taking away from the craft of film story telling is something I do not agree with. Technology has improved film making over the years, allowing for new and exciting films to be created and showcasing amazing spectacles that were not possible decades ago. Film makers can create any world and character that they dream of now, and make any dream story a reality, thanks to the use of technology. As an aspiring film maker, I find this an amazing part of the industry, the ability to bring films to life in ways that were never done before. This is why technology should be embraced, as it improves, so does our craft.



Jaden Bowen

Hey, I’m an aspiring film maker, with a love for all things documentary and producing, with a side passion for anything that has to do with dinosaurs.