Want to rock the Snapchatz? Read our 3 tips below 😎

3 Snapchat Marketing Hacks for 2016 — all proven!

100 Snapchat Marketing
3 min readJun 19, 2016

100 Snapchat Marketing Hacks was started after we, two guys from Sweden), Marcus and Harun, had helped several small startups and famous profiles with getting a bigger presence on Snapchat.

Today we’re sharing 3 of our most easy implemented hacks with you. Enjoy and please share 😘

1. Use the app Ghostcodes — Tweet this

What is this?
Ghostcodes is an app that helps you find like-minded people on Snapchat + it helps you get more followers. Check it out: http://www.ghostcodes.com/

Why should I do this?
Increase your following numbers by registering your Snapchat username and what interests you have. All other (many thousands) Snapchatters that are on Ghostcodes will now be able to see your Snapchat profile. If they find it interesting or maybe even sexy(?) — they’ll follow you.

Who else is doing this?
Well, several thousands Ghostcodes users ;)

How can I implement this?
Download Ghostcodes to your smartphone, register your account and create a really interesting profile!

Ps. We’d also recommend to find cool people to follow via Ghostcodes. If you follow them, they may follow you back :)

😱 Click Here to Get One Snapchat Marketing Hack a Day 😱

2. Snapchat exclusive offer — Tweet this

What is this?
Create an offer where your existing followers on other platforms have to follow you on Snapchat to get a special offer (a discount of your product for example).

Why should I do this?
The relevancy of different platforms change over time, make sure to leverage your existing followers on all platforms and attract them to Snapchat. Snapchat is the place where you can be more personal and often get more influence on your followers.

Who else is doing this?
This question is always hard to find a great answer to, hehe. But we’ll respond as always — all successful Snapchatters ;)

How can I implement this?
Create an unique code and a discount offer — take a photo of the code and upload it to your Snapchat story. Write something compelling to convince your followers on other social media platforms to add you on Snapchat to get the offer. Now see them coming.

😘 Want a new Snapchat follower? Add us @MarketingHacks — we’ll follow you back 😘

3. Arrange a Snapchat Q&A — Tweet this

What is this?
Ask your followers (as usual, both on Snap and other platforms) to send you questions on Snapchat.

Why should I do this?
A good way to create brand loyalty is to engage with people and help them with their problems. This is also a great incentive for your followers on Twitter etc. to add you on Snapchat.

How can I implement this?
Post on forums, Snapchat and other mediums that you will arrange a Q&A. Answer the questions both direct to the one who asked the question and onto your Snapchat Story.

Ps. If you want to arrange more than one Q&A and make them more special — create Q&A-themes . For example “Marketing Q&A”, “Childhood Q&A” etc 😎

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Thank you for reading! If you enjoy it please subscribe to our FREE “One Snapchat Marketing Hack a Day” guide below 😁

