Rediscovery Series #3: We’re All Snobs, From William Makepeace Thackeray in 1848

100 Million Books
2 min readSep 30, 2017


We tend to scorn snobs.

But say you meet someone for the first time and find out they like one or more of the following:

  • Wearing especially-coordinated outfits, often
  • Flying first-class, taking private jets
  • Driving an expensive-looking car/convertible
  • Carrying an expensive-looking purse that’s actually expensive
  • Living in a large house
  • Hiring maids, nannies, chefs, etc
  • Traveling frequently for fun

What’s your first thought?

I know mine would be something like…


But is that fair?

In his book The Book of Snobs (free on Google Books), William Makepeace Thackeray contends that everyone has snobbish tendencies, even the least conceited among us.


How can we help Snobbishness, with such a prodigious national institution erected for its worship? How can we help cringing to Lords ? Flesh and blood can’t do otherwise. What man can with- stand this prodigious temptation ? Inspired by what is called a noble emulation, some people grasp at honours and win them ; others, too weak or mean, blindly admire and grovel before those who have gained them ; others, not being able to acquire them, furiously hate, abuse, and envy. There are only a few bland and not-in-the-least-conceited philosophers, who can behold the state of society, viz., Toadyism, organised : — base Man-and-Mammon worship, instituted by command of law : — SNOBBISHNESS, in a word, perpetuated, and mark the phenomenon calmly. And of these calm moralists, is there one I wonder whose heart would not throb with pleasure if he could be seen walking arm-in-arm with a couple of Dukes down Pall Mall? No: it is impossible, in our condition of society, not to be sometimes a Snob.

Wouldn’t you hire a maid if you could? Travel more? Drive a nicer car?

If not, don’t you have your own dreams? Do those dreams require other nice things? Then you may be a snob.

Isn’t there a word for people who make snap judgments about people based on their tastes?

Oh yeah — snobs.

