How to Involve Your Team in Goals Achievement

Kate Devyatkina
4 min readJun 24, 2019


One of the trickiest issues that are often faced by managers is team involvement in goal achievement.

A common situation is when employees brilliantly do their routine work but are not ready to accept assistance in achieving strategic objectives. The main point of this article is to provide you with working tips, with the help of which you will be able to involve your team in goal achievement.

1. Invite the team to take part in setting goals

It happens that we take much to heart things we took part in. The same when it’s about objectives. One thing when it is an already formed list of goals which was brought to the team so that they get to know it, and the other thing when it was developed by themselves.

In which case do you think the team will be more involved?

How to begin? The company may feel terrified about sharing goals with all the employees if they are got used to set them behind closed doors, so it’s extremely difficult to begin doing it in public. That’s why I suggest starting with the elaboration of the team or department goals. It will be more simple to moderate a group work and there won’t be so many people. Appoint a date, gather people, announce objectives, goals, and timing in advance. You can also invite a facilitator to reach maximum efficiency.

2. Bind company goals with employees ones

So that an employee has a motivation to work on corporate objectives, but not only on project tasks — you should use individual maps of professional development. What to fill it in with? Actually, lots of people puzzle over it for hours. These points are turned to be so made up and are consequently left undone during planned performance review. As a rule, they also lose their actuality. I recommend adding corporate goals to an employee’s road map. For instance, this is a sales manager whose main obligation is to sell and to carry out a plan. But, probably, the company has a strategic plan to explore a new market, so you can add to his/her individual plan several points, tightly knitted with this goal: market and competitor profile analysis, connection with 5–10 huge clients.

3. Total must-have is to give your team feedback

The team should see the results of its performance and receive systematic feedback — what has done well and what can be improved. How make it systematic if you can forget everything during the daily routine? I suggest you start up a calendar of one-on-one meetings with your teammates and to give feedback on a monthly basis. Some parts of conversations can be delegated to the team leads or managers who are on the short leg with them.

4. Regularly update your goals

I recommend you to hold monthly meetings with your team during which you have to check the progress on the goals and also to update this list. Sometimes it happens that one or another goal becomes out-of-date -discuss this situation. You can also freeze it in case if it doesn’t reflect company business interests anymore, but not because of lack of time.

It’s very important to update the goals because nobody wants to do work for nothing, and which is no longer important for a company. When you have a long “to-do list” especially if they are off the table — it bothers a lot. So, feel free to throw out these icicles and work on things that are crucial.

5. Automate

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Kate Devyatkina

Changer / Dreamer/ Doer. CEO Performance Management Software — Ahundred.