My journey to become a Full-Stack Developer

Yoonsung Kim
2 min readDec 3, 2021


Every person has their own career.

However, not everyone is satisfied with their career and most of them try to change their career through changing their jobs. I’m also one of those people who are not satisfied with what I achieved from my original goal.

Like most of others do, I spent my four years of college and ended up getting my Bachelor’s degree to become an IT tech specialist because that was my original goal. At first, I started out as an IT tech support to help out people who are in need to troubleshoot their computer hardware and software. At first, I enjoyed helping out people in need and it also earned my paychecks. However, I realized something at some point that I’m not satisfied with what I’m doing for my career.

Fixing printers and changing passwords for people wasn’t so delightful as it sounds. So, I ended up quitting the job I had and I began to search for something else. I tried things like video editing and designing but, those paths were not for me. Instead, I looked into Full Stack programming since, the programming is trending these days.

Programming itself sounded a bit scary since it requires knowledges in computer science and I knew it wasn’t easy. At first, I watched all the introduction videos for the coding with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Along with the videos, I wrote few programs like dogecoin web scrapper using discord.js that displays dogecoin price on my discord channel for every certain time interval.

Discord.js bot that prints out Dogecoin price on my channel

I also created a personal website using a JavaScript framework called React.js to display my portfolio in the future.

First personal website that I created using React.js

Self-learning taught me a lot but, I decided to take a coding bootcamp to learn more in details about Full-Stack development. In the future, I want to become a Full-Stack developer to create interesting apps.

