Where’s my referral TOKENS?

Joseph Franklin
2 min readApr 18, 2018


Ice Rock Mining

For months now I have been communicating with ICE ROCK MINING. So far all I have received from them are apologies and no solutions. This is beginning to look very shady to me. I am not some 2 Bit cheap investor. I have done well for myself the last year investing in ICO’s. And so far communicating with Ice Rock has been nothing but lacking!

Who is running the referral program? Who have I been communicating with over email? Seriously, are these companies sourcing out A.I.Bots to respond to inquiries? Why is this so important for me to bring up? Well, there is a new energy amongst us, propelling this new wave of energy to metamorphosize ourselves into something new. People apart of “molting” there skins are leading the way to encourage fulfillment over happiness. Stefan Molyneux, Mike Cernovich, Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, and so many others have simultaneously each took a part of this Energy and ran with it. This new energy lies in #Cryptocurrency as well. So, having a company open themselves up to this energy. We, as new and emerging individuals, warmingly open our small lives to Ice Rock Mining. We expect that that same energy would be reciprocated by being an Elite business, high ethical standards, and committed to what is said in your Whitepaper.

The hidden world of cryptocurrency resembles, maybe even was born from, the same Energy wave sweeping the world. Look at the Iranian people rising up against a murderous regime, BREXIT, President Trump, Poland, and Spain. This list…is off the top of my head, so, take it easy!



Joseph Franklin

Purple Heart Veteran, a crusader for justice! Amateur journalist. I love writing although I’m not always the best at it. Censorship is real and needs to STOP.