Why Cardio is ‘Hardio’ and how to make it easy

Beyond Scales
4 min readMay 12, 2023


Cardio explained

Cardiovascular exercise is also known as “cardio” and it’s a type of physical activity which increases heart rate. It improves cardiovascular health. Exercises that are considered cardio workouts include running, cycling and swimming. Cardio is not only good for your heart, but it’s also a great way to lose weight and burn fat. Your body uses fat stored in your body as fuel when you do cardio. Regular cardio can help you lose weight and improve your body composition. Cardio can therefore be a key component in a weight-loss or weight-management plan. Regular cardio exercises can help you achieve your weight loss or maintenance goals, whether it’s to lose a few pounds.

Any weight loss program or fitness plan must include cardio. It can improve your mood, help you lose weight, and improve your heart’s health. Many people find it difficult to maintain a cardio program because they are not used to it. We’ll examine why cardio can be challenging in this article and offer tips on how to make it easier.

Why cardio is hard

  1. Cardio is boring. Many people find it repetitive and tedious. It can be difficult to keep up a regular routine when you are running on a treadmill, or using an elliptical.

2.Exercises like rowing, cycling and running can be physically challenging and uncomfortable. It’s common to feel tired, short of breath and sweaty during a cardio exercise.

3.You need to be disciplined: It can be difficult to show up consistently for cardio exercises, especially when you don’t immediately see any results. It takes discipline and determination to stick with it.

4.You may feel intimidated: Attending a fitness class or a gym can be daunting, especially if this is your first time exercising. Starting a cardio program can be difficult if you feel self-conscious.

How to make cardio easier

  1. Finding an activity that you enjoy is the key to making cardio easier. Don’t force yourself on a treadmill if you don’t like running. Try dancing, hiking or swimming instead.

2. be boring to do the same cardio exercise every day. Try different exercises or vary the intensity and duration. You could, for example, do high-intensity interval training (HIIT), one day, and then go on a long stroll the next.

3.Technology can be used to make cardio fun and interesting. There are a number of apps and devices that you can use. Use a fitness tracker for tracking your progress. Listen to music or podcasts while you work out. Or, use a virtual reality head-set to make cardio more immersive.

4.Workout with a friend: A workout partner can make cardio fun and help you stay accountable. Make a plan with a family member or friend who shares your interests and work out together.

5.Set realistic goals. Setting realistic goals will help you to stay motivated and dedicated to your cardio workout. Increase the intensity of your workouts and duration gradually. Celebrate your achievements along the way.

last but not Least

The Cardio is Hardio T-Shirt

lets face it you want to scream how hard cardio can get. Consider the Cardio is Hardio t-shirt to show punch your frustration and struggle in the face while trying to stay motivated to keep up your cardio routine. This shirt is a great way to show your commitment to fitness and embrace the challenge that cardio poses. Wear the Tshirt at the gym, during a run or any other cardio activity to show yourself how hard work pays off.


It can be difficult to do cardio, which is a vital part of any fitness or weight loss program. To make cardio easier, it’s important that you find an activity you enjoy, change up your routine, utilize technology, have a workout partner, and set realistic fitness goals. The Cardio is Hardio t-shirt is a great way to stay motivated and embrace cardio. Remember that the hard work pays off!



Beyond Scales

Welcome to Beyond Scales, where wellness transcends the numbers on a scale. I'm Wayne , the architect behind this haven of health, mindfulness, and more