Love, Death & Robots: The Witness Review

Spencer Tesch
4 min readApr 5, 2019


Love, Death & Robots has been a great series so far but now we enter what I think is one of the weakest entries into to series. The Witness focuses more on nudity than anything else. There is still violence and sci-fi, but it takes a backseat to the nudity.

Lets go through the plot. Miss so and so is getting ready for her day when she hears gunshots from across the street and smears her lipstick across her check. Looking across the street she sees what looks like a murder. Switching to the killers perspective we see that he just murdered a clone of miss so and so with lipstick smear and all. Miss so and so runs for it with the killer on her tail.

She hails a taxi and “losses” him. Calls her friend and says she is running late and just witnessed a murder. And then the worst thing in the world happens. As the taxi is stopped at a red light and Miss so and so is telling her friend that she saw a murder. The killer pulls up right next to her in a different taxi and starts freaking out (because he just murdered this woman). But the stupid thing is she doesn’t even notice. He’s just sitting there making faces at her and then after a few seconds they drive off.

Ugh this pissed me off to no end.

Miss so and so pulls up to a ghetto building and runs in. The killer follows closely behind and listens as so and so is getting yelled at by her pimp for being late and tells her to go get dressed. The killer comes out of the shadows and the pimp asks if he wants to see some pussy. The pimp sets him down on a couch with some latex gimps and then we cut back to so and so who is getting ready for her show. So and so makes her way to the stage wearing a big dress and starts her show. Cutting back to the killer who is in the audience he is getting a blow job now. So and so’s strip show consisted of her rolling around on a couch a few times and then falling out of her dress. It’s weird.

Anyways… So and so sees the killer getting a blow job in the audience and freaks out and starts running out of the club only wearing a silk robe. The killer chases her. There is then at least five minutes of so and so running through the streets and construction sites with her robe flapping open and lots of shots of her boobs. The whole thing feels derogatory and unnecessary. The killer occasionally gets within ear shot and yells I just want to talk to you or something like that. Finally she loses him and she sneaks away into an apartment building and jumps in the first unit that is unlocked. She locks the door and finds a gun. The killer then unlocks the door because I guess it’s his apartment and sees her. They jump at each other and gunshots happen. After the craziness Miss so and so looks down at the killers dead body and then looks across the street to see the killer looking at her having just witnessed the murder.

That’s the end. I’m gonna start with what was good about this episode. The art style might be my favorite in the series with a semi realistic comic book look. Think Into the Spider-verse. The twist was okay but needed some work. And that’s about all the good I have to say. The twist could have been much stronger, considering that they gave it away within the first few shots that there is some sort of time loop concerning these two characters. I think if you cut out the killers perspective throughout the short would have made the ending that much more powerful. I didn’t know any of the characters names because they did not make it clear. I’m sure that they listed them in the credits but if I wasn’t respected enough to get that info in the short I’m not gonna go out of my to find it for my article. The sexual edge to this is overwhelming and not necessary, why would they go to a strip club with all this going on. Why would the killer get a blow job during this? But what really pissed me off is that Miss so and so was naked throughout most of the short. Sure she is a stripper but why? It’s just frustrating. Overall there are some things worth talking about here but it felt more like someone trying to be clever and didn’t have much to say so filled their story with boobs and pussy. 4/10.

My rankings so far are as follows…

  1. Sonnie’s Edge
  2. Three Robots
  3. The Witness

Thanks for reading.

