Guy Ritchie is a Fantastic Director

Shelby Smith
3 min readDec 3, 2018


Guy Ritchie is a director that is coming up through the ranks of great directors. Most people haven’t heard of him but he is slowly becoming more famous. His style is unique and similar throughout his movies. There are a few things he always adds to his movies. The films he has directed are usually classic stories that everyone knows, where he adds twists. He has done Sherlock Holmes, King Arthur, The Man from Uncle, and coming out soon, Aladdin. These movies are all stories that are already wrote out, but Guy Ritchie has changed them for the better. The unique designs he always puts in his movies are slow motion, fast paced stories, and a pounding soundtrack. All of these add up to the unique worth watching, Guy Ritchie.

All of his movies have some kind of slow motion theme. It is added to Sherlock holmes through his thinking. When Sherlock spits out words or actions really fast, we all wonder how he does it. Guy Ritchie shows Sherlock thinking through slow motion. When Sherlock has a choice to make, we see him acting it out in his head first in slow motion. This is extremely helpful in helping the audience understand what he goes through. Guy Ritchie uses this same method in King Arthur. When Arthur pulls the sword from the stone, it’s an intense and important moment. Guy Ritchie knows that so he slows that scene down. Arthur grabs the sword and the world slows down around him. It presents emotion without having to say it physically. Visually you can imagine how Arthur is in shock and can only see the sword in that moment.

Guy Ritchie has another cliche idea. He makes the movie go by quicker with fast paced scenes. The beginning of King Arthur shows Arthur growing up in the slums. Instead of watching Arthur get beat up a lot, we see the sped up version of him getting through it. The audience gets to watch a hard scene but quicker. The scene skips around and shows the important parts of his childhood without making it boring or uncomfortable. Guy Ritchie does the same thing with Sherlock Holmes. Near the end of the film, when Sherlock is figuring out what’s going on, the scene slowly gets faster and faster as his mind thinks. We see scenes and hear voices speed up as Sherlock thinks through memories and becomes closer to the answer. This way the audience figures out the that the solution took a while, without the scene actually taking that long.

The last method that always is great in the film is the soundtrack. Each movie he has done are different composers every time and yet they are similar in style. The soundtracks are always upbeat and loud with a drum. The music always matches the scene and action. Guy Ritchie makes the soundtrack unique with interesting sounds that he adds. In the King Arthur movie, there is a scene where the cast is running away from the guards in a rush, the music literally has breathing into the song. It matches the scene so well and makes you feel like your there with them running. The Man from Uncle also has a similar scene where the two agents are riding after the girl who is being kidnapped. The music is different but also similar to the other movie. The song is fast paced and pauses when the actors pause for breath. The music picks up after they take a breath and hit the gas.

These elements make Guy Ritchie a unique and different director. He should be famous because of his creative style but sadly he is not, yet. The more movies he does the more famous he will become. Soon enough, he will be a director people remember.

