Terraformer: Terraform Files from Existing Infrastructure

Ray Sainiz
4 min readMay 6, 2024

What is Terraformer ?

Terraformer is an open-source tool that allows users to generate Terraform code from existing infrastructure. The tool supports various cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Kubernetes, among others.

With Terraformer, users can easily convert their existing cloud resources and infrastructure into Terraform configuration files. This can be useful for automating the creation of similar environments or for migrating existing infrastructure into a Terraform-managed infrastructure-as-code environment.

Terraformer works by querying the cloud provider’s APIs to retrieve information about the existing resources and then generates the corresponding Terraform configuration code. The tool supports a wide range of resources and configurations, including virtual machines, load balancers, storage buckets, and more.

GitHub: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/terraformer

In shorts: A CLI tool that generates tf/json and tfstate files based on existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform)

Capabilities of Terraformer:

  1. Cloud Provider Support: Terraformer supports several cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Kubernetes, among others.
  2. Resource Coverage: Terraformer can generate Terraform code for a wide range of cloud…



Ray Sainiz

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer | Data Scientist | DevOps | AWS | GCP | Kubernetes | EKS | GKE | Terraform | Serverless