$10Dogs — Happy 10 Year Anniversary to DOGE

Dec 6, 2023


  1. DOGE 10 year anniversary is December 6th.

2. Funded by the DOGE community in 2015, the company Astrobotic plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on December 23rd:


3. DOGE-1 satellite is being developed by space technology firm Geometric Energy Corporation, which announced the project in May 2021. The satellite will be launched aboard Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on January 12th, 2024.


4. Tesla has DOGE intergrated into the code of the Cybertruck… Something could be coming.

2024 is the year of the $DOGE. Are you in?

