Myra Jordan
3 min readOct 14, 2023

Kiss Like a Pro: 12 Hilarious Secrets to Blow Their Mind!

Consent is Sexy, Not Optional: You know what they say, “No ‘yes’ means no kiss.” Consent is not just a buzzword; it’s your green light to smoochville.

Location, Location, Location: Choosing the right spot can be trickier than picking a vacation destination. Avoid kissing in the middle of a busy intersection — you’re not auditioning for “Extreme Kissing Makeovers.”

Breath of a Dragon is a No-Go: Bad breath can be a deal-breaker, like finding out your crush’s spirit animal is a skunk. Keep it fresh; pop a mint, and save your love life!

Timing: Avoid ‘Oops’ Moments: Timing is key. Don’t lunge in for a kiss just as they’re sneezing; you’re not trying to be featured on a “World’s Worst Timing” show.

Body Talk: Is it a Go or a No?: Pay attention to their body language. If they’re leaning in or doing the ‘smize’ (smiling with their eyes), you’re probably in the clear for takeoff.

Eyes Wide Shut: Not a Sci-Fi Movie: Closing your eyes during a kiss is not the time to explore the cosmos. It’s just to help you focus on the moment, not wander into another dimension.

Slow Down, Speed Racer: Your lips aren’t road-legal, so no need for a pit stop. Slow down; it’s a kiss, not a NASCAR race.

Hands-On Education: Use your hands, but don’t go all “octopus” on them. A gentle touch on the face or a shoulder is way more charming than smothering them.

Talking is Overrated: Save the chit-chat for post-kiss. While you’re locking lips, let your mouth do the talking — without the words.

Boundaries are a Thing: If they hit the brakes or throw up the “No Entry” sign, respect it. Your goal isn’t to invade personal space; it’s to share an awesome moment.

Kiss Quest: Not a Video Game: Focus on the kiss itself, not like you’re hunting for the hidden treasure in a video game. There’s no cheat code for a perfect kiss.

Safety First, Not “Mission Impossible”: If you’re worried about germs or have a case of the sniffles, be responsible. It’s just a kiss, not a secret spy mission.

Remember, while these tips are humorous, the most important thing is to be yourself and enjoy the moment. Laughter can make a kiss even more memorable!

Myra Jordan

I'm a news and entertainment writer for Medium. I love to share stories that inform, entertain, and inspire.