What is session in web.

2 min readMar 10, 2023


A web session is a period of interaction between a user and a website or web application. It begins when the user first visits the website and ends when the user closes their browser or after a predetermined period of inactivity.

During a web session, the website or web application tracks and stores information about the user's actions and data on the server side, such as login credentials, preferences, and session-specific data. This information is typically stored in the form of session cookies or similar mechanisms.

The use of web sessions allows websites and web applications to provide a more personalized and seamless experience for users. For example, a website might use a session to remember a user's login credentials so that they don't have to log in again every time they visit the site. Additionally, a web application might use a session to keep track of a user's progress as they work on a task or fill out a form.

Web sessions can also be used for security purposes, such as tracking suspicious activity or preventing unauthorized access. However, it's important to note that session data can potentially be accessed by third parties, so it's important to use secure protocols and follow best practices for session management

