11Minutes NFT Tier System

3 min readJan 29, 2022


The NFT Tier System is finally launching right after the airdrop of the gELVN Tokens on the 4th of February. We will have 8 different tiers with different benefits!

Each Tier will get guaranteed allocation for private deals, passive income, game tickets and more benefits!

These are the different Tiers, with their costs and benefits:

Seahorse Tier
Cost: 1,750 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 1
Daily Tickets (per month): 1
APY: 3%

Crab Tier
Cost: 8,800 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 2
Daily Tickets (per month): 5
APY: 4%

Octopus Tier
Cost: 17,500 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 4
Daily Tickets (per month): 9
APY: 7%

Fish Tier
Cost: 35,000 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 7
Daily Tickets (per month): 15
APY: 12%

Dolphin Tier
Cost: 87,500 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 10
Daily Tickets (per month): 18
Weekly Ticket (per month): 1
APY: 16%

Shark Tier
Cost: 175,000 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 15
Daily Tickets (per month): 20
Weekly Ticket (per month): 2
APY: 20%

Whale Tier
Cost: 350,000 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 20
Daily Tickets (per month): 25
Weekly Ticket (per month): 3
APY: 27%

Humpback Tier
Cost: 700,000 gELVN
Allocation Factor: 40
Daily Tickets (per month): 30
Weekly Ticket (per month): 4
APY: 35%

Minting Tier NFTs

The minting for Tier NFT’s will start right after the distribution of the gELVN Token. You can choose which Tier you want. You can pay for the minting in three different ways:

-Use your distributed gELVN
-Use your distributed gELVN together with the undistributed gELVN

As you know, sales for ELVN are not active yet, so until then, we can’t distribute more gELVN.

Upgrading and downgrading Tier NFTs

Every Tier NFT holder will be able to upgrade his Tier NFT with the same payment methods used for minting the NFTs.You can downgrade your Tier whenever you like, but for downgrading you will need to pay a fee.

Private Deals for Tier Members

Each Tier Member will be able to take part in private deals with a guaranteed allocation. Higher Tiers do become higher allocations. After a certain period of time, if not all allocation was bought, there will be a FCFS round, where every Tier holder and each Play2IDO winner will be able to contribute.

Right, private deals are not only limited to tier hodlers, but more about that in an later post.

Your allocation factor determines how much guaranteed allocation you get. For example, if a seahorse tier gets $20 guaranteed allocation, a humpback gets $800.

Private Deals Token Distribution

Tokens acquired through the private deals will be sent to the owners of the NFTs that were used to contribute.

This means following, if you sell your Tier NFT to someone else, you won’t get future vestings of the projects you contributed to. What are the benefits of doing this?

With bounding the allocation to your Tier NFT, we enable the trade on our Tier NFT Marketplace. Tier holders will be able to sell their NFTs with their Allocations bounded to them on the Marketplace.

In the marketplace, all the projects and tokens connected with the NFT will be shown together with an estimated Value of the NFT. This gives you totally new investing possibility’s and also giving NFTs a totally new utility, which hasn’t been seen before!




11Minutes is a new unique Play2Earn NFT Game Series, using the Polygon Network for userfriendly transactions.