Google UX Design 課外連結整理 Course 7


Anna Su
6 min readMar 29, 2022

Design a User Experience for Social Good & Prepare for Jobs

  • Week 1:Starting the UX design process: empathize, define, ideate.
  • Week 2:Creating wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes.
  • Week 3:Creating mockups and high-fidelity prototypes.
  • Week 4 :Designing a complementary responsive website.
  • Week 5:Finding a UX job.

第 1 週:開始 UX 設計過程。同理、定義、構思。您將設計一個專注於社會公益的 App 和 響應式網站,展示您在課程中學到的一切。首先,您將通過探索漸進增強(小螢幕到大螢幕)和優雅降級(大螢幕到小螢幕)的設計方法以及 4C 來了解跨設備設計。有了這些新知識,將開始第三個作品集項目。首先,從同理階段開始,將創建角色、用戶故事和用戶旅程圖。然後,進入定義階段,在此確定您的項目關注的用戶需求並構建問題陳述。最後,進入構思階段,進行競爭分析,並通過草圖為您的 App 設計提出想法。

第 2 週:創建線框和低保真原型。利用您的所學嘗試解決的用戶問題,並為您的 App 提供一個基本版。從創建紙繪線框開始,以提出很多想法。選擇紙繪線框的最佳部分在 Figma 或 Adob​​e XD 中創建數位線框。接下來,把數位線框變成低保真原型。然後,計劃並進行可用性研究以獲取低保真原型的反饋,並根據研究見解對設計進行改進。

第 3 週:創建模型和高保真原型。為您的 App 創建包含視覺設計元素和設計原則的模型。在設計系統中保存元素和組件,可在課程的下一部分設計響應式網站時重複使用這些元素和組件。然後,將模型精進成高保真原型。最後,計劃如何研究和進行可用性研究,以收集有關您的高保真原型的反饋。在這部分課程結束時,您的 App 設計將完成,您的第三個作品集將完成一半以上。

第 4 週:設計一個響應式網站(RWD)。通過為您的 APP 完成設計,您將明白用戶對您產品的了解,並將其應用於設計響應式網站以推動社會公益。首先,學習如何針對不同的設備體驗和螢幕尺寸進行設計。接下來,回顧信息架構的重要性並創建網站地圖。為您的網站勾勒出許多想法和潛在的佈局。在紙上、電腦上或同時為不同尺寸的螢幕創建線框圖。開發一個低保真原型並通過可用性研究對其進行測試,以改進設計。然後,進入高保真設計,為響應式網站的不同尺寸螢幕創建模型。最後,創建響應式網站的高保真原型,並再測試一次。在這部分課程結束時,您的跨平台設計將完成並添加到您的作品集中。

第 5 週:尋找 UX 工作。在 Google UX 設計證書的最後一部分,您將準備尋找一份 UX 設計師的工作。首先對您的作品集進行調整,以確保它已準備好在工作申請中分享。接下來,了解 UX 設計面試過程並製定策略以在各種類型的面試中取得成功:面試前研究、電梯間演講、電話視訊面試、作品集演示、白板練習、面試設計作業,及其他面試要求。最後,探索自由接案者的世界,學習如何制定商業計劃以吸引第一個客戶。

為社會公益 social good 設計 :

為社會公益設計 專屬 APP 及響應式網站,展現專業 UX 作品集。


手機優先設計 mobile first :

(progressive enhancement vs. graceful degradation)
螢幕從小到大 vs. 螢幕從大到小

訪問互聯網 Access to the internet

減少加載時間 Reduce load time

the making of YouTube Go,


What is Mobile First Design? Why It’s Important & How To Make It?

跨設備設計 across devices design:



Problem statements:

How To Define A Problem Statement: Your Guide To The Second Step In The Design Thinking Process.

檢查和分享 low-fidelity prototypes

可用性研究 usability study :


Analyzing and synthesizing research results

research into actionable insights 回顧第四堂第三週

  • Gather the data in one place
  • Organize the data
  • Find themes
  • Come up with insights

低保真設計的迭代 low-fidelity designs




  • Typography
  • Color
  • Iconography





設計系統 Design systems


sticker sheet 回顧第四堂第三週


回顧 mockups 排列


  • Dividers: Single lines to separate sections of a page.
  • Borders: Continuous lines that often form shapes, like squares or rectangles, to break up sections of a page.
  • Fill: Assign colors to borders and shapes.
  • Shadows: Create dimension in combination with borders or fill.


  1. Project Background: What led you to conduct the research and why it’s needed
  2. Research Goals: What the desired outcome of the research is
  3. Research Questions: The questions the study is trying to answer
  4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Measurements of progress toward a research goal
  5. Methodology: The steps you take to conduct your research
  6. Participants: The people who will participate in your usability study
  7. Script: A list of tasks and follow-up questions given to participants during the usability study

Choose KPIs to measure

  • Time on task: How long it takes a user to complete a task
  • NOTE: Time on task may change depending on whether the user uses assistive technologies or has other accessibility needs
  • Use of navigation vs. search: The number of users who navigate casually compared to those who use the search function
  • User error rates: How often users make mistakes
  • Drop-off rates: The number of users who give up without accomplishing a goal
  • Conversion rates: The number of users who reach their goal successfully
  • System Usability Scale (SUS): A series of 10 questions evaluating how easy your product is to use

ideation for websites:

  • Competitive audits
  • How Might We
  • Crazy Eights


UX 設計面試過程概述:


準備面試 Prepare for interviews :

Do your research

Prepare for the second round:

Panel interview

Whiteboard interview


STAR method :


  • This article about how to use the STAR method by the Muse has a section that answers common interview questions using the STAR method.
  • This article about how to use the STAR method from The Balance covers general interview questions and ideal responses, as well as tips for preparing for interviews.
  • In this article about how to use the STAR method by the job board Indeed, an expert in career services imagines potential questions a job candidate might receive during an interview and provides answers to the questions that fit the STAR method.


電梯演講 elevator pitch:


  • Give an intro (“Who I am”)
  • Describe your background and state your purpose (“What I bring”)
  • Show your excitement to work in UX design (“Why I love the work”).
  • Communicate your interest in the company (“Why I am here”).


Whiteboard interviews

Advice from others

Ask interview questions :

Sign up for Big Interview :

Big Interview,


  • Guru: A platform where professionals go to connect, collaborate, and get work done.
  • Dribbble: A freelance graphic design job board exclusively for contract work.
  • Fiverr: A platform that connects professionals with people who need work completed.
  • Wix: Connects freelancers with clients that need help building their websites.
  • Toptal: Has a collection of talented professionals they pair with clients around the world.

提案 proposals

  • Title page
  • Introduction
  • Statement of Work
  • List of assumptions and dependencies
  • Design process outline
  • Timeline
  • Budget
  • Payment Schedule
  • Acceptance page

