5 things players must know Before playing baccarat online

2 min readMay 14, 2022


Because baccarat online is considered a type of gambling in casino online that requires money as a driving force Therefore, playing baccarat is quite risky. If anyone who does not know the basics, does not know the rules It will not understand how to play baccarat and can not make a profit. So today, 123VIP has 5 things that players need to know before playing baccarat online as knowledge for everyone. in case you can play baccarat with fun

1. Know the rules of playing baccarat. Because it will allow players to play baccarat correctly. can bet correctly No worries during play

2 know that baccarat can be placed on 3 sides by betting on baccarat that there will be 3 sides to choose from, that is, the Player side will be represented by a P, the side will always be represented by a T, and the Banker side will be represented with the letter B

3. Know that baccarat can set the amount of money In terms of determining the amount of the baccarat camp, each camp will be able to set a different amount. Some camps can play from 2 baht, some camps can start playing from 10 baht or more.

4. Know how to decide how to lose and win For the decision of the side to gain or lose Baccarat is decided by the total number of cards. If the total of any side of the card is equal to 8 or 9, it will win the game and if the player guesses correctly, they will receive money.

Know the payout rate of baccarat. For Baccarat payout ratio, the Player side pays 1 to 1, while the Banker side pays 1 to 8 while the Banker side pays 1 to 0.95, although the Banker side has a smaller payout rate. Player side But the win rate of the banker’s side is considered considerably higher than the player’s side.

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