Mahendra Singh
2 min readMay 25, 2021


A poem on the confused understanding of life by a teenager

Today I came to know
what life really means

What I think of others
Are not what I thought of them
I rolled my heart
And I got no feelings of them

But want to say to every prosper
That no matter I didn't get her
Coz it's good to have her memories faint
Than to have her hate

What really means to me is that
I really wanted to get her into my arms
But failed due to what, I don’t know
And she remained left
Rusty that my palm

No matter she left my hand lonely that day
But I'll behold her hand, till the doom's day

I understood what life really means
When you need someone, you get none
When you love someone, you get none

But when you need peace
Go into a deep breath
Get remember of that lovely smile
And now is that no rushes and cry

And you can linger with the zephyr and breeze
That's what life really means to me.



Mahendra Singh

I love to communicate through my stories. I create my own world of imagination. I also like to give my perspective on plethora of global issues.