Why You Keep Pulling the Queen of Pentacles in Your Readings

12th House Tarot
5 min readAug 7, 2023

Pulling the Queen of Pentacles in several of your tarot readings can carry significant meaning and may indicate that the wisdom represented by this card is relevant in your life.

Tarot reflects your subconscious mind and all the energies surrounding you. What is your higher self & your spiritual team trying to tell you using the Queen of Pentacles? It’s time to tap into the deep spiritual well of tarot knowledge and find out.

So, Why Do You Keep Pulling The Queen of Pentacles?

The Queen of Pentacles is a card from the Minor Arcana, and it represents various meanings related to aspirations, abundance, and security.

The Queen of Pentacles invests in her health, family, and material wealth. She works hard to maintain her wealth and create more abundance. She has created a space where she belongs and thrives in this environment.

Continue to look even deeper into the symbolic and profound lessons hidden in the Queen of Pentacles. Only you can realize why this card keeps popping up, so pay close attention.

