Why You Keep Pulling the Three of Cups in Your Readings

12th House Tarot
4 min readAug 2, 2023

Do you keep pulling the three of cups? It can be really frustrating to keep pulling the same card. Pulling the same tarot card can indicate you’re missing a message or theme relevant to your life.

Tarot cards reflect your subconscious mind and all the energies surrounding you. Let’s look into what your higher self and your angel guides are trying to tell you using the three of cups.

Why Does Three of Cups Keep Appearing in Your Readings?

Three of cups asks you to connect with yourself and others emotionally. Use your intuition to know what, where, and who you should be around. It’s time to celebrate just being alive. Be grateful for being able to experience life and all it has to offer.

Let us look even deeper into the symbolic and profound lessons hidden in the three of cups. Keep in mind that only you can realize why this card keeps popping up in your life, so pay close attention.

A Need for Emotional Fulfillment

Pulling the three of cups multiple times might suggest that you are entering or already in a state of emotional fulfillment. You can find joy and contentment in your current circumstances by being grateful. Gratitude is the best path to true and…

