I Took A One Week Social Media Detox. What Happened Next Completely Shocked Me

Roy Lam
3 min readOct 5, 2023


Like most people these days, I was highly addicted to social media. I would mindlessly scroll through Instagram, Facebook and Twitter multiple times per day. I realized I was spending way too much time consuming content rather than creating it.

So I decided to challenge myself to a one week social media detox.

The first day was brutal.

Constant urge to check my phone

I had a constant urge to check my phone and open my social media apps. My screen time was embarrassingly high each day — often over 4 hours spent just scrolling.

I knew I had a problem. But I didn’t realize just how addicted I was until I tried to stop completely.

By the second day, I could feel my anxiety creeping in.

I could feel my anxiety creeping in

What were my friends up to? What hilarious memes was I missing out on? The urge to tap those colorful icons was strong.

But I persisted. I went for a long walk instead. Read a book. Played guitar. Got ahead on work.

I started to feel…lighter. More focused. The mental clutter began to clear.

Day 3 brought the strongest cravings yet.

strongest cravings

I could hardly focus on anything else except wanting to check my notifications. I even dreamed about scrolling Instagram!

But by pushing through the discomfort, I broke through to the other side.

Because on Day 4, something shifted.

I no longer felt the constant pull to check my device. I realized I had so much more free time — time I now chose to spend more meaningfully.

I started being more present with my kids. I picked up old hobbies I used to enjoy. I meditated and exercised. I got to bed earlier without staying up late doomscrolling.

By Day 7, I was shocked by how different I felt.

I was less anxious, less depressed. I had more energy. My concentration improved dramatically.

Most surprisingly, I didn’t even miss social media anymore. I felt free without its constant demands on my attention.

Now, over a month later, my lifestyle change has stuck.

my lifestyle change has stuck

I only allow myself 30 minutes of social media use per day. And I don’t feel compelled to use that time.

My mind feels calm and focused. I get so much more done each day. And my quality of life has massively improved.

My one week detox taught me just how addicted I was to social media — and just how toxic it was for my mental health.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by endless scrolling too, I encourage you to try a detox yourself. You might just be shocked by the results!



Roy Lam

Simplifying AI & psychology insights. 😌 Decoding tech’s impact on life daily. 🔍For collaboration: 13032765d@connect.polyu.hk.