Book Review — Biography of Bhai Randhir Singh

Jajhar Singh
3 min readSep 13, 2024


Autobiography of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh


Bhai Randhir Singh was a devout Sikh born during the British Raj in India. Due to the tyrannical rule of the British Empire in India at the time there was a lot activism especially in the northern state of Panjab. Bhai Randhir Singh becomes part of the activism in the Gadar Movement. This results in Bhai Randhir Singh being arrested. The bulk of the book documents his time in Jail. The book is a form of letters written whilst in jail by Bhai Randhir Singh himself.

Early LIfe

The book starts with Bhai Randhir SIngh’s early life as he was growing up and his schooling. He was very much an all round student who was academic as well as a sportsman and an artist with his poetry.

As part of this journey we get an insight into how Bhai Randhir Singh becomes a devout Sikh by taking Amrit (Ambrosial Water). This is the Sikh baptism ceremony. The book talks about some of his experiences that lead him to becoming devotional and living accordingly to Sikh Code of Conduct.


Due to Bhai Randhir Singh living by the principles laid out in the Sikh faith he spoke about the injust rule by the British Empire in India. Bhai Randhir Singh joins the Gadar party which was an organisation that created and distributed literature against the British Rule. The aim was to awaken people and make them realise the reality of British Rule.

One such incident was the building of a wall in the premises of a Historical site called Rakabganj. Bhai Randhir Singh was part of the group that went and knocked down the wall. As a result he was arrested and jailed.

Letters from Jail

This makes up the bulk of the book. He writes letters explaining his struggles and experiences to practice his faith in Jail.

Bhai Randhir Singh was constantly moved from one jail to another. Each jail had its own experiences. He explains the interactions he has with the hierarchy of the prison.

There are many highlights from the book which showcases the facets of a spiritual person. One example is where Bhai Randhir Singh has a vision of his previous life and how his interaction with people in that life unfolded in the current life.

Another highlight from the book is when he is placed in isolation within prison. He is put into a pitch black room and Bhai Randhir Singh happily spends hours in that room. A local pastor tries to do the same but doesn’t last very long before he is shouting desperate to come out. The prison wardens can not comprehend how Baha’i Randhir Singh is able to do this.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh.

I had never heard of Bhai Randhir Singh as I was growing up. However I did hear of Shaheed Bhagat Singh from a very young age. There are films made about Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Shaheed Bhagat Singh was also an agitator against the British. He was also an activist. He was sentenced to death for killing a policeman. The two subjects meet each other in prison. On the one hand you have Bhai Randhir Singh who is a devout Sikh and on the other hand you have an athiest. Shaheed Bhagat Singh was born into a Sikh family and had long hair but cut his hair to escape arrest. There is a famous picture of Shaheed Bhagat Singh before he goes to the gallows of him sitting on a sofa with long hair which he decided to keep whilst in jail. The last chapter of this Biography describes the conversation that Bhai Randhir Singh has with Shaheed Bhagat Singh.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Bhai Randhir Singh.

