Tantric Sacred Sexuality: Everything You Should Know

Dark Magick
4 min readSep 17, 2023


In recent times, a spirited wave of discussions have surged surrounding the enigmatic realm of Tantric Sacred Sexuality. This surge of interest was notably catalysed by the groundbreaking release of the book ‘Sex Magick’ authored by Ab’Ram, a luminary in the domain of left-hand path spiritual science, renowned for his remarkable works such as ‘Y Am I UnHoly.’ It is evident that people have developed an ardent fascination for Tantra, recognising its profound connection to spiritual sexuality and the captivating fusion of spirituality with the physical act of love-making.

The allure of Tantra lies in its promise to unveil an array of mystical secrets, inviting seekers to embark on a journey into the depths of metaphysical sexuality. In this exploration, we endeavor to shed light on one of the most misunderstood facets of Tantra: Tantric Sacred Sexuality. Here, we delve into the intricate tapestry that weaves together the threads of spirituality and sensuality, unveiling the captivating interplay between Tantric sexuality and spirituality, we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of this ancient and esoteric art.

Table Of Contents

1. What is Tantric Sacred Sexuality?

1.1. Why is Tantric Sex Sacred?

1.1. Myths About Tantric Sacred Sexuality

2. How Tantric Sacred Sexuality Works in Relationships?

2.1. Making Love Without Intercourse

3. Simple Steps to Explore Tantric Sacred Sexuality

4. A Few Tantric Sacred Sexuaity Tips For Great Sex Life



Tantric Sacred Sexuality

1. What is Tantric Sacred Sexuality?

Sacred sexuality stands in stark contrast to contemporary sexual norms. It harnesses an immensely potent energy capable of unveiling uncharted realms of intimacy between you and your partner, which often remain unexplored in conventional relationships. This sacred energy holds the potential to deepen and enrich the connection between lovers, revealing profound dimensions of closeness that may have previously eluded their awareness.

1.1. Why is Tantric Sex Sacred?

Tantric sex is considered sacred because it goes beyond physical pleasure. It involves a deep spiritual connection between partners, emphasising love, trust, and mindfulness. It is seen as a way to access higher states of consciousness and unity, making it a sacred and transformative experience for those who practice it.

1.1. Myths About Tantric Sacred Sexuality

  • Tantric sex is solely wild and uninhibited.
  • You always need a partner for tantric practice.
  • Genital contact is essential for a tantric experience.
  • Tantric sex requires strenuous poses.
  • Tantric sex is solely about physical pleasure.

2. How Tantric Sacred Sexuality Works in Relationships?

Those practicing Tantric sex naturally feel extremely connected to their partners, as Tantric techniques allow you and your partner to explore each other’s bodies in an extremely intimate way, ignoring the thought of orgasm. This sex is meant to slow. It begins with deep eye contact. Then, it lets things progress naturally. The golden rules of Tantric sex is ‘Be in The Present’.

2.1. Making Love Without Intercourse

Making Love Without Intercoruse, inspired by Tantric Sacred Sexuality, explores lovemaking beyond the physical. It delves into emotional and even deeper spiritual connections between partners. This concept is gaining popularity in the West, although it was once well-practiced in the East, especially in India.

3. Simple Steps to Explore Tantric Sacred Sexuality

  • Step 1: Recognise Your Sacredness

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Recognise it.

  • Step 2: Accept The Sacredness of Your Partner

If you are a spiritual being, your partner is also sacred and spiritual. Accept it.

  • Step 3: Create A Sacred Environment

You should create an environment in which sacred sex can blossom.

  • Step 4: Prepare Your Body

Without cleanliness, you can never express your divineness. Remember it.

  • Step 5: Enter The Environment

You should enter the environment, with a mind prepared to experience the sacredness of sexuality.

  • Step 6: Follow Your Sexual Intuition

There are no specific instructions. You can follow your sexual intuitions. Better to start with eye contact. The only golden rule is ‘Be in The Present’.

  • Step 7: Enjoy Your Sacred Orgasm

Better it is to reach the point of orgasm together. Visualise how the energy, which rises from the bottom, reaches the top uniting you and your partner spiritually.

  • Step 8: Explore The Afterglow

Let both the bodies relax together. Stay in the moment as long as you want. Enjoy everything that happens.

4. A Few Tantric Sacred Sexuaity Tips For Great Sex Life

  • Master the art of breathing. Pranayama, a Yogic breathing practice, can help.
  • Learn how to connect with your partner’s eyes with your eyes.
  • Learn how to use the Yab-Tum sex position — men sitting cross-legged and women sitting on her partner’s upper thighs, crossing her ankles behind his back.


Tantric Sacred Sexuality is an ancient practice that explores the connection between physical intimacy and spiritual growth. It emphasises mindfulness, communication, and intimacy, aiming to deepen the bond between partners. By focusing on the present moment and mutual respect, Tantra encourages a more fulfilling and meaningful sexual experience. This practice is rooted in various cultural and religious traditions, offering individuals a path to explore their sensuality and spirituality.


[Q1] What is Tantric Sacred Sexuality?

Tantric Sacred Sexuality is a practice that combines physical intimacy with spirituality to enhance connection and pleasure.

[Q2] What are the best books discussing Tantric Sacred Sexuality?

The best book on Tantric Sacred Sexuality is ‘Sex Magick’ by Ab’Ram. Other notable ones include ‘The Heart of Tantric Sex’ by Diana Richardson, and ‘Urban Tantra’ by Barbara Carrellas.

[Q3] Is Tantra only about sex?

No, Tantra includes various practices beyond sex, like meditation and Yoga, aimed at spiritual growth and intimacy.

[Q4] Can anyone practice Tantra?

Yes, Tantra is open to individuals and couples of all genders and sexual orientations.

[Q5] What are the benefits of Tantric Sacred Sexuality?

Benefits include improved communication, heightened pleasure, and a deeper emotional bond with your partner.

[Q6] Do I need a partner to practice Tantra?

While Tantra can be done alone, it often involves a partner to explore the full range of intimate experiences.

