Aion. The tower of eternity.

A. Barhoma
2 min readJun 23, 2023


Aion’s tower, the tower of eternity, is a source of energy for all life forms in Atreia. Humans lived in peace around the tower which provided them with Aether, A magical material which provided humans and humanoid beings with energy.

Life was good and peaceful until, the balaur, creatures Aion originally created to protect the tower, defied him. They wanted power. They butchered and murdered humans as they go as a declaration of war against Aion.

Aion created the 12 Emperyean lords to fight off the Dragon lords of the balaur and their troops. Very powerful beings which had humans as their soldiers. The magical Aether Resonated with some humans. The Chosen humans were called Daevas, beings that looked like humans but immune to diseases and with white wide wings, The Emperyean lords and their legion of Daevas kept the balaur in check for hundred of years.

Until one of the 2 Emperyean lords responsible for the tower’s safety, Esraphel, wanted to make peace with the balaur.

The 12 Emperyan lords discussed Esraphel’s proposal.

Some despised the idea of peace with such monstrous beings which slayed their Daevas and humans for hundreds of years while others wanted a shot at peace. It was five votes against five excluding Esraphel’s vote and the final decision was left to Lady Siel, the other tower guardian beside Esraphel. Lady Siel voted to try and make peace with the balaur. Her decision was met with both joy and hatred. However, the decision has been made.

The Dragon Lords are to be invited into the tower’s premise and the aetheric protective field is to be lowered for their arrival. The next events will shape the future of Atreia forever. (follow for more lore)



A. Barhoma

A med school student whose passion is to write fantasy.