“No need to change yourself for others”

Palak Mishra
2 min readSep 3, 2023

First, You need to find out about your own personality , So, no one can questions you about being yourself .

Second, Choose friends wisely. Make sure that your vibe matches with them but also be aware that they are not faking it. World is very cruel people know very well how to use a innocent person. Being carefree is good but being careless is not. You don’t need to follow someone just because they’re your friend, you don’t need to do what they want. Just do what you want to do.

Most importantly, If you want to follow someone then follow the person who inspires you, not told you to be like him/her. Listen to your parents and share everything with them. Take advice about life because they know how to manage everything without changing their true personality.

Try to be yourself. Solve every problem in your way, Listen others but just take advice not solution. And don’t ever think yourself low. People are used to make person feel low so that they can be superior but you have to learn that Its your life , you are the main character in this, they are just supporting cast who are here to guide you, misguide you , advice you or make your life hard.

Thank you! I hope this will help you in realising your own worth.

