Tourist information cent
4 min readJun 4, 2018


Here the Volga is spread widely and freely skirting the Zhiguli mountains. Here St. Alexis foretold the emergence of the city that will prosper and will never be destroyed. Here the great artists and writers drew their inspiration. From here missiles are sent to the cosmodrome and cars are scattered along the roads. In snowy winter people make dizzy descents on skis and boards, set world records for snowkiting, walk across the Volga and race on dog sleds. And in summer they enjoy their holidays, they are proud of the beautiful Volga tan, swim, go on a cruise, go sailing. All year round there are festivals, holidays and competitions here. Classical tunes are replaced by drum rhythms, guitar busts. Everyone is hospitably greeted by all gastronomic holidays in honor of fish and crabs, cherries and tomatoes. And very soon athletes and fans, tourists and football fans will come here from all over the world to meet the 2018 FIFA World Cup on the Volga coasts.

If you plan to visit Samara region, surely visit these places.

Embankment, Samara, Russia

It is a favorite walking place in Samara and main tourist attraction. Five kilometers of sandy beaches and a convenient access to the Volga. A little higher there are four lines of the Samara embankment. Flowering chestnuts, palms, flower beds with a combination of a wide variety of colors. Rollers and bicyclists rush along special tracks, and locomotives pass by with fervent melodies. Smoothly go the multi-deck cruise ships, dissect the smooth surface of the river boats and scooters. Under the melodies of the Volga, high-colored jets of fountains are thrown out.

The first Samara governor, Prince Zasekin, rises above the strolling vacationers, a snow-white boat swims over the Volga, Comrade Sukhov peers into the Volga expanses, the haulers habitually drudge. There is a smell of coffee and pastries, numerous cafes are lured with original design, cozy rugs and pillows, sunset views and gastronomic variety.

“Soyuz” Booster Rocket and Samara Space Museum, Samara, Russia

Samara is justifiably called the Motherland of rocket engineering as it is exactly the place for assembly of components for most part of spacecrafts. Cosmic Samara Museum shares on the role of the city in history of space conquering. Apart from a real rocket vehicle — Soyuz standing high above the museum building, one can see authentic details of space ships, photographs describing a space trip by International Space Station, personal belonging of well-known astronauts and space engineers, etc. Interactive devices enable visitors to get fully aware of the heroic deeds of those who explored the universe, as well as feel the entire depth of the notion “universe as anticipation”

“Samara Bend” National Park, Samara region, Russia

When the Volga rounded the Zhigulevsky mountains, an amazing territory was formed- it is Samara Bend connected with the “big earth” only by an isthmus of 12 kilometers. Today it is the territory of the national park of the same name. There is a special climate and there are endemic plants and unique animals. Here, there are either wonderful visions, or bizarre optical refractions in the form of beautiful cities. Tourists here are still looking for the treasures of the ataman Stepan Razin and listen attentively to the legends of the Mistress of the Zhiguli Mountains, Shishig and Volkadir. And they also admire the most beautiful panoramas, beautiful temples and cozy villages, visit the Repin museum and the Zhigulevsky fairy tale museum. They taste the Volga fish and enjoy the Beshchev cherry, which grows only on Samara’s Luka.

Mount Strelnaya, Samara region, Russia

Mount Strelnaya is one of the most beautiful peaks of the Zhigulyovsk Mountains and one of the most popular tourist routes located in the Zhigulyovsk Preserve. The height is 351 meters above sea level, and according to one of the versions it was exactly from this peak that bandit chieftain Stepan Razin scouted for merchant ships ripe for attack. The mountain is located in one of the most picturesque places of the Samarskaya Luka. An impressive panorama of the neighboring lands opens up from the top of Mount Strelnaya — the Volga expanses, beautiful places in the Samarskaya Luka, big-city lights, forests and fields.

Svyato-Bogorodichny Kazansky Friary, Samara region, Russia

The Friary of Our Lady of Kazan Icon is located on the very bank of the Volga River, between the Zhigulyovsk Mountains, in the picturesque village of Vinnovka. The Friary complex consists of 4 churches (one of them, the Church of Our Lady of Kazan Icon, is nearly two centuries old!), a brethren house, an administrative building and a hotel for pilgrims. The gateway church of the Friary was built in the form of a lighthouse as if showing the way to the Lord through darkness and foul weather.

If you have any questions, please contact us from e-mail: cult@tic-samara.ru

