Day Two Highlights: AIIB 2018 Annual Meeting

The 2018 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Third Annual Meeting continued today (June 26) in which we hosted events, made new announcements, held dialogue and debated with prominent international leaders and figures. It all kicked off with our Board of Governors’ official session first thing in the morning.

The Prime Minister of India Inaugurated Our Annual Meeting

At the opening ceremonies, the experiences of both AIIB and India demonstrated similarities in the way our respective growths have the potential to effect change. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated our Annual Meeting as he and President Jin looked forward to further collaboration.

We Held a Seminar on Institutional Finance for Infrastructure

We heard from a panel of former national finance ministers and leading institutional investors, who brought their experiences of both the supply and demand side of the critical issue of attracting institutional investment into emerging market infrastructure. Former leaders, Finance Ministers and International Advisory Panel members shared their unique insights. The perspectives gleaned will teach us how to differentiate ourselves and become responsive to client and financing partner requirements.

Our CEIU Held a Dialogue With CSOs and NGOs

We discussed the development of AIIB’s Complaint Handling Mechanism (CHM) with civil society organizations and nongovernment organizations by listening to participant experiences, comments and suggestions. These will guide us in our effective operation of AIIB’s CHM.

We Explored Ways on How to Accelerate Low-Carbon Transitions

Given trends and prospects of new technologies, policies and markets, we discussed how multilateral development banks could better support and accelerate countries’ transition toward a low-carbon future.

Our President Briefed the Media

With all that’s happening at AIIB, our President updated the media on our initiatives and developments in the bank as we gear up for the future, including the announcement of our newest member, Lebanon.

We Launched Our Flagship Event, the Asian Infrastructure Forum

Our inaugural Asian Infrastructure Forum was held today. The opening session, introduced by our President, saw the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Luxembourg’s Finance Minister and our Vice President and Chief Investment Officer D.J. Pandian, as well as leading figures from the ADB and NITI, discuss the present and future of infrastructure funding — and how fintech and green finance can lead the way. The forum also focused on creating business development opportunities for participants, with workshops on Transport, Energy, Connectivity, Sustainable Cities and Asian regional focuses conducted throughout the afternoon.

We Held a Seminar on Governance

We evaluated how multilateral governance is used to tackle key global issues. During the seminar, we also scoped out forthcoming challenges to multilateral governance and considered how the experience of establishing AIIB could be relevant to developing future approaches to these issues.

Our Management Held a Dialogue With CSOs and NGOs

Our Management, led by President Jin, further engaged with civil society organizations and nongovernment organizations as part of our learning and sharing efforts to enhance transparency and the capacity of our policy formulation and implementation.

Read more about how AIIB are investing in Asia’s future:



Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank investing in infrastructure in Asia. Our motto is Lean, Clean and Green.