How long you should stay in cold water?

Ice Bath
6 min readAug 14, 2023


how long ice bath

How long you should stay in cold water?

When is it when you feel adapted tothe cold and when is it enough what is adaptation all about adaptation is the optimized stimulation of your vascular system and with that you train your heart. Becomes a much less stressedbecause the whole vascular systemthe 120 000.Kilometers 70 000 miles is activatedoptimized it’s done when your muscular.Tone is relaxed while being in the coldtakes about two minutes.When you have done the two minutesit’s there.You have optimized your vascular toneyour condition is perfect the way nature.Mandatory if you want to go longerthen that is more the mind.You want to stay in the rain becauseyou want to train the mind.Hey that’s okay but don’t force.

The duration of an ice bath can vary depending on factors such as your experience with cold exposure, your comfort level, and your specific goals. As a general guideline, here are some recommended time ranges for ice baths:

  1. Beginners: If you’re new to ice baths, start with shorter durations, such as 1 to 2 minutes. This allows your body to gradually acclimate to the cold temperature. Beginners may find that even a short time in cold water provides benefits for muscle recovery and circulation.
  2. Intermediate: As you become more accustomed to ice baths, you can gradually increase the duration. Aim for sessions ranging from 5 to 10 minutes. Pay attention to how your body responds and adjust the time based on your comfort level.
  3. Advanced: Athletes and individuals experienced with cold exposure might extend their ice bath durations to 10 to 20 minutes or more. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and be cautious not to overdo it.

It’s important to note that there is no strict rule for how long an ice bath should last. The key is to balance the potential benefits of cold exposure with your own comfort and safety. Pay close attention to your body’s signals during the ice bath:

  • If you experience shivering, numbness, tingling, or extreme discomfort, it’s a sign that your body is reacting strongly to the cold, and you should consider ending the session.
  • If you start to feel too cold or uncomfortable, it’s better to end the bath early rather than push through.

Additionally, always consult a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions, before attempting ice baths. Gradually increasing the duration over time, staying mindful of your body’s responses, and focusing on gradual acclimatization are important aspects of safely incorporating ice baths into your routine.

How to BREATHE in an ice bath?

Slowly, consciously…Long breath out Stick to the breath.Don’t go intothe stress.And your body isable to adapt fast.

Breathing properly while in an ice bath is essential for managing your body’s response to the cold and staying comfortable. Here are some tips on how to breathe effectively during an ice bath:

  1. Stay Relaxed: Before getting into the ice bath, take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Relaxation can help minimize tension and anxiety associated with cold exposure.
  2. Controlled Breathing: Once you’re in the ice bath, focus on controlled and steady breathing. Breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale gently through your mouth.
  3. Avoid Shallow Breathing: Cold exposure can lead to shallow breathing or even holding your breath. Aim to breathe deeply and fully, expanding your lungs as much as possible. Shallow breathing can increase the body’s stress response, so deep breathing can help counteract this.
  4. Paced Breathing: Some people find that using a paced breathing technique can help them manage the cold. One common technique is the 4–4–4 method: inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, and exhale for a count of 4. Adjust the counts based on your comfort level.
  5. Stay Mindful: Use your breath as a focal point to stay present and mindful during the ice bath. Pay attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale, which can help divert your focus from the cold sensation.
  6. Relax Facial Muscles: Cold exposure can cause tension in the facial muscles, leading to clenching or shallow breathing. Be mindful of relaxing your facial muscles and jaw, which can help you maintain calm and regular breathing.
  7. Stay Calm: If you feel your breath becoming quick and shallow due to discomfort, try to stay calm and refocus on your breath. Deep, controlled breaths can help regulate your body’s response to the cold.
  8. End Gracefully: As you finish your ice bath session, take a few deep breaths before getting out. This can help your body transition from the cold environment back to a warmer one.

Remember, everyone’s experience in an ice bath is unique, and finding the breathing technique that works best for you might take some experimentation. The goal is to remain as comfortable and relaxed as possible while managing the cold exposure. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, consult a healthcare professional before attempting an ice bath or any other extreme temperature practices.

What’s the best breathing technique?

How did you discover the WHM breathing?

How did I discover that this breathing exercise worked? lt’s about nature…The nature of the breath…is to go deeply within…and make the change necessary to defy the impact of a stressful situation.Whatever the situation,lt could be mental stress,emotional stress,thermal stress,bacterial stress,Any stress in the end is cell biological stress,And for that we need to breathe deep.To connect and change the chemistry,And to favor it.To neurologically make the right decisions inside.The first time I went into the cold…I found out… (deep inhale)…That I had to breathe deeply.Was it me or was it done by the force (cold)?lt was the nature of the cold.My teacher who taught me,without words,Breathe deep,And then I took it into my awareness.Breathe deep and you will be able to oppose the stress of the cold,And it worked.And with that I learned how to deal with stress in general.Because in the end; Stress, cold, heat, bacterial,’s all cell biological stress.The cold is my teacher,And she taught me well.Mother Nature is always there.Amazing.

What is the deeper purpose of breathing?

I call it the soul.The first thing you do when you come into this world….is the breath.What is the soul doing when you come into the world?lt’s the breath?And it accompanies you through your whole life.And the last thing you experience when you leave this the breath.And then you leave……with your soul.The soul is eternal.The breath is temporary in this’s the carrier of our soul.They are friends.They are there.So find your soul, find your breath.Through the breath you will find your’s always there.Can you see that?Can you feel it?lt’s where you can find peace and’s where you’ll find all the good qualities.There is the health and the is the life force’s the comes in with the breath.That’s the first moment…And the last moment…it’s amazing…how consciousness is able to manifest.Itself throughout your life.Through the breath……into the soul.And when it’s’s done.When the flower has flowered.When your soul has entered your perception by means of of the breath.Then you are done.Then the purpose of your life is there.And your soul knows exactly what to do.Always follow your soul…is like following happiness, strength and health.They asked me…Wim, what is enlightment?’”I never asked this…” “And please say it in one sentence.” I said..”Ok here it comes…””Be happy, strong and healthy…” “the rest is bullshit.”Be the soul .Feel the soul.Heal the world.Heal yourself.And you will be in tune with your soul.

Why does the Wim Hof breathing technique work so well?

…the best?I would say.Why? Because I went through science.I went there where there is no speculation.I did not only feel it…I felt it so strong inside.I wanted validation because I was saying to people.“This breathing exercise really works.””Yeah but I’m already breathing throughout the day…” .”No I’m doing Buteyko… Nitrooxide… Meditation.I do pranayama.I do Qi.I mean this shit really works.I go into the freezing cold.And that is because l learned how to deal with the stress,in the depth of my physiology and mind.Nobody understood me.Sol went collaborated with science.And showed what no other breathing technique ever did before.Taking on a bacteria and showing the autonomic nervous system,endocrine system,the hormonal system…and now it’s there.Why it is the best breathing technique?I didn’t do that, it was science.Who pointed out.”This works.”And for those who want to keep on talking about breathing techniques..”You have to do this…”I would say…ok….Where is your feeling?What do you feel?Or what do you think?Those are two different things.This is about feeling.Feeling is understanding.And we have it scientifically backed up.So shut up your mind.Feel.

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