"Reflections of a Law Student: Lessons from the First Year Journey at Lagos State University"

Adeyemi Christiana
4 min readMay 17, 2024

On 3rd May 2023, I officially started my journey as a law undergraduate at Lagos State University.
My dream of becoming a law student was finally a reality.
My satisfaction and my joy knew no bound.

I remember this day so vividly. who would have thought wearing a white shirt and black skirt would make me so excited.

This excitement slowly faded away as the realities of being a law student started to dawn on me. Like who send me 😂

Photo by Rendy Novantino on Unsplash

It’s been over a year and it has been an amazing journey so far, so many lessons learnt, so many more to come.

Here are some key lessons, I have learnt so far

1. Do not be anxious, you will soon know the things you don’t know

The title of this lesson is quite funny but I cannot think of a better title so bear with me. In my first law class, I was so anxious because I was a direct entry student, this meant I would be doing compulsory 100-level coursework and 200-level coursework simultaneously. There was information a 200-level student was expected to know that I did not know. I had to learn and learn fast. Studying law as a direct entry student will push you out of your comfort zone and put you on your toes

2. Ask questions, and drink from the wells of others who have gone ahead of you

I did not know how important it is to learn from seniors and even classmates. It is so important. I remember my first-semester exam, I thought I had read everything there is to that course, a classmate posted some questions and asked that we solve them and I just thought to myself nah! I don’t need it. Only for me to see similar questions in the exam hall. I was this close to tears I determined from then on to humble myself and learn from others.

3. The journey is sweeter and faster with good friends:

I like to consider myself a Solo Ranger, I like to think I can do things on my own and truly it is good to be independent but the academic journey can be a long boring journey. It is a lot sweeter when you have good friends around you. Life generally is tough, but good friends make the journey a lot easier. I cannot begin to mention how my friend in the faculty of law has been a huge blessing to me.

I am so grateful for the ladies in this picture

4. Prioritize your relationship with God

I heard someone say Prayer is such a great Soul Maintenance Tool and I agree. Praying and studying the Word of God will keep your mind in the academic journey that is full of anxiety and stress. I have come to rely more on God this past year than ever before, I have come to realize that I needed help and I am so glad God always came through. Also, I am so grateful for the Christian Law Student Fellowship of Nigeria ( Clasfon) Lasu Chapter attending the fellowship helped me greatly.

5. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone

I remember when I joined the faculty, my plan was to attend class, go to the library then go back to my hostel. I didn’t want to join a chamber talk or participate in a competition. However, looking back I am glad I did not follow my initial plan. Joining a Justice Chambers has greatly impacted my journey as a law student, I participated in competition the intra-moot competition where I won best counsel, and I met amazing individuals whom I probably would not have met if I had not joined the chambers.

There is still so much to uncover on my journey as a law student. I am super confident it is going to be a great ride.

Do you remember your first year as a law student or as a student in the university, how was it for you?

How did you adjust to the new life in school, let me know in the comment section.

