The Law of Attraction 2

A Life-Changing Principle

Photo by Kedar Gadge on Unsplash

My wife has a best friend, Alice, who is a beneficiary of the Law of Attraction, although she herself isn’t aware of it.

Since college, Alice, who has always been sensitive to relationships, began “planning” her future marriage and partner. She clearly listed out the qualities she wanted in a partner, including specific traits, abilities, appearance, personality, and even family background.

In her words, the more detailed, the better she knew what she truly wanted.

Because she wrote down and visualized all her standards, she constantly held herself to the same criteria. When she reached a marriageable age after graduating from college, she indeed found her ideal partner, who others saw as a “perfect match.”

It was her mindset and actions, perfectly aligned with the secret of the Law of Attraction, that enabled her to proactively pursue and seize opportunities at the right age and time, taking steps that other women of her level dared not take.

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

From a physics standpoint, everything in the universe has its own energy field and specific vibration frequency.



Steve A passionate writer sharing and learning

I want to communicate with people with my thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned in self-improvement, interpersonal relationships, and life skills~