15 days of hack- a hackathon for the people

15 days of hack
2 min readFeb 24, 2019


Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

The most important push for India is due in its software sector and this would only be possible when the services crowd would become the developer crowd”, The gist of the saying is that we need to have a more upcoming and determined crowd who would be enthusiastic to contribute to the fundamentals of the entrepreneurship in the Indian working domain.

One of the largest online hackathon of Kerala, 15 days of hack wishes to bring together the collaborators between the industry and the academia to come up with some interesting projects which would be instrumental in solving daunting global problems and also to contribute to the various aspects of the computer domains. We are offering an awesome community building platform for the same. 15 days of hack will also provide the developers with the insights to get under the skin of the global challenges and also guide the developers to come up with some instrumental result. We are also very much interested in having some novice to be developers who can contribute to the learning environment of the event. There would certainly be takeaways for all level of developers.

It would be highly appreciated for the participants to use the latest trends in the technology domains. The use of blockchain technology, data science techniques, machine learning stack, react js, node js might just add up to the points to get you on the good side of the jury. It would also be appreciated by us if there is ample participation of women in the hack.

Schedule:: 25 Feb — 11 March ‘19

There would be preliminary rounds and then the final round. Top 10–15 team will be selected for the final. The first 10 days are for prelims round and the last 5 for the final rounds and the final round qualifies teams will get the chance to pitch their project to our judges via a hangout session.

We are giving away prize worth INR 45K including INR 10K cash prize, goodies, and coding blocks coupons. Our Industry partners are offering internships to quality participants of our hackathon.

The parameters on the basis of which the projects would be judged are::



Production System

Business model

About our sponsors:::

Agora.io as our RTC sponsor.

Coding Blocks as our Associate sponsor.

Github as our Hosting sponsor.

JetBrains as our Platform partner.

KindKonnect, FullContact, Code Bucket, Manglish, PerleyBrook, The Humble Shit and PentaPoll as our Industry partners.

TikerHub, Pehia Foundation, Kochi python, Innovaden as Community Partners.

