Your Pie New Logo Design

Rajit Patel
2 min readMay 9, 2016


For the last couple of months of constantly driving by Your Pie in the Glen I began to get a little boring seeing the sample old boring sign to the highly regarded make your own pizza shop. Not only is it competing with other shops like theirs, but trying to keep everything fresh and fun. But the logo was neither of those two things. Trying to keep it fresh was what I was doing with my new logo design.

The designs that follow are what my design process consisted of, and I how I reached my perfect and fresh logo!


Starting with paper and a pen, I began the design process by drawing whatever came to mind when I thought about the word, pizza. I wanted my logo to exemplify something new and innovative, which had a sense of attractiveness to it, so it would be able to entice people to eat at the restaurant.

Hand Sketches of my brainstorming


I then brought these sketches to Adobe Illustrator to add a little sense of realistic logos; while adding color and fine details to make the logo that much better.

Corrected Sketches for Your Pie

Final Result

In the end, I decided that all of the sketches that I had done came me a clear idea of what I wanted to do with the final logo. The final version had what the original logo lacked which was a sense of BAM!! There it is and now come in this restaurant and enjoy our great make your own style pizza.

Below is the final version, and let me know what you think and be sure to add your comments in the comments section!!

