Animal Poaching vs. Hunting

Dawson Strey
2 min readMay 3, 2017


Many people do not know the difference between Animal poaching which is the illegal hunting of endangered animals and hunting which is animals that are allowed to be hunted 1–2 seasons of the year. Otherwise the hunting is Illegal. The only reason some animals are allowed to be hunted is because the Wild and fish organization have came to the conclusion that there is enough of these animals to be hunted for certain seasons each year. One way these two are similar is because if you break the hunting regulations or if you poach an endangered animal there will be large fines and possible jail time depending on how severe the hunting or poaching crime really is. Here is an example of Illinois hunting and regulations

Here are two picture that show the difference between hunting and poaching. Hunting is usually taken place inside of forests or prairies where anything from deer, bears, birds, turkeys, and much more smaller scale animals tend to get hunted. For poaching, poachers many times find themselves in Africa or plaines where animals such as tigers, lions, rhinos, bassin, and much more endangered animals roam. Like I stated before the big difference here is that poaching is highly Illegal with fines and jail time. While on the other hand hunting is regulated and legal if you follow the few regulations. Poaching and Hunting relate to each other because they booth consist of hunting animals whether in be legal or Illegal. Hunting is many times done for food and is a way of survival. While poaching on the other hand is a expensive activity only for the richest people. Most of the time the people doing this poaching is just so they can mount the animal over there stone fire place and then it become a piece for visitors to stare at and admire it.

Now you should realize there are big differences between poaching and hunting. Poaching is highly Illegal and the animals being hunted there are endangered. Here is statistics hsowing how many rhinos are killed from poaching

Yet hunting can be just as bad if you are not following regulations and hunting out of season. It is a privilege not a right to be hunting there animals, so respect the few rules and regulations that are put in place.

