365 Days of Python: Day #13 — Arduous Animations

Rick Deckard
1 min readNov 29, 2022

Art has never been my forte.

I enjoy doodling, but I could never make the jump from sketches to finished works.

I am jealous of those who can make that jump, though.

Day #13 (11/27/2022)

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

— Thomas Edison


Weekly Goals

  • Learn the basics of PyGame (60%)
  • Write a program that simulates a coin flip and performs data analysis on its simulated flips (90%)

Closing Thoughts

Those who can endure the painstakingly long process of creating an animation have my utmost respect.

I read online that a 60–90 second animated clip takes anywhere from 8–10 weeks to create. As mentioned in one of my previous blogs, I like math. Therefore, I calculated (using the aforementioned statistic) that each second of animation takes roughly 20 hours to create.

Consider this the next time that you watch an animated movie. You might discover a newfound appreciation for the medium.

