365 Days of Python: Day #131 — Close Calls
Life is full of ups and downs, but every now and then, you will experience what is known as a close call.
What is a close call?
Generally speaking, close calls can be anything. You could be crossing a street while looking at your phone only to be saved by a scream from a nearby onlooker from getting hit by a car. Or you could be texting your significant other and your parent at the same time and almost accidentally send a lewd picture of yourself to the latter.
Day #131 (3/25/2023)
“Sometimes life gives you a second chance, or even two! Not always, but sometimes. It’s what you do with those second chances that counts.”
— Dave Wilson
- Created an outline for my PotW
- Began writing my PotW
Weekly Goals
- Write a program that calculates your BMI (25%)
Closing Thoughts
I have definitely had a couple of close calls in my life. And I consider myself lucky for coming out of them on the right side of history.