365 Days of Python: Day #18 — Unpredictable Users

Rick Deckard
2 min readDec 3, 2022

Implementing user input into a program can be tricky.

What if the user enters a string instead of an integer?

What if the user enters a value that causes the program to put his/her computer into overdrive?

What if the user enters nothing?

All of the above questions need to be considered when you are a writing a program that requires user input.

Day #18 (12/2/2022)

“Assuming what people want is about as controlled as using fireworks to start a fire.”

— Criss Jami


  • Learned how to create new columns derived from existing columns using pandas
  • Learned how to calculate summary statistics using pandas
  • Began writing my PotW

Weekly Goals

  • Learn the basics of pandas (60%)
  • Write a program that reads data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and performs data analysis on it (40%)

Closing Thoughts

Whenever I am writing a program, I try to shift my perspective to that of the user. This often leads to the reformatting of input prompts, print statements, etc.

Additionally, I always consider what could go wrong. It is not the end of the world if the terminal spits out an error message; however, I would rather have the program terminate. Therefore, I tend to use “try…except” statements where applicable.

To let the user have control, or not to let the user have control, that is the question.

