365 Days of Python: Day #24 — Web Wanderer

Rick Deckard
2 min readDec 10, 2022

Nowadays, trying to find what you are looking for on the internet can be an extremely frustrating process.

Is it because I am getting older?

I hope not.

In my opinion, the difficulty of finding a specific piece of information on the internet can be attributed to just how much information is available. The CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, attempted to put a number to the size of the internet and estimated that it contains 5 million terabytes of data.

How big is 5 million terabytes?

Consider a $5 32GB USB Flash Drive. You would need around 31 of these just to store 1 terabyte. To store the internet (based on Eric’s estimate), you would need at least 155 million of them. Still, that number is hard to imagine, so let me paint a picture for you.

Based on the linked flash drive’s dimensions, 155 million of them would take up more than 76,000 cubic feet. Therefore, they would take up nearly the entirety of an Olympic Swimming Pool (88,000 cubic feet).

Day #24 (12/8/2022)

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.”

— Jean Baudrillard


  • Practiced using RegEx…

