365 Days of Python: Day #28 — Cruise Control

Rick Deckard
2 min readDec 14, 2022

It is easy to get stuck in a comfortable routine.

You wake up, shower, eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, leave work, go home, eat dinner, and spend your limited hours of free time however you please (although those limited hours of free time are usually consumed by other responsibilities).

Getting stuck in a routine like the one above can make weeks feel like days, days like hours, and so on and so forth.

These routines (that sometimes make your life feel as if it is on cruise control) can be seen at different levels. The one above is a daily routine, but it is equally as easy to get stuck in a work routine.

You are assigned a task, you work on said task, and you complete said task by a given deadline.

This might feel fine in the moment, but in the long term, this routine can be detrimental. By staying inside of your comfort zone, you might inhibit yourself from being assigned more responsibility and even getting promoted.

Day #28 (12/12/2022)

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”

— Aristotle


  • Practiced finding email addresses using RegEx
  • Practiced finding usernames using RegEx

