365 Days of Python: Day #33 — Tricky Topics
Navigating today’s climate can be like walking through a minefield. The only difference is that when you step on a mine in a minefield, you know what is going to happen to you when lift your foot.
Day #33 (12/17/2022)
“Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it.”
— Unknown
- Learned what names to avoid
- Learned the naming conventions for functions, variables, constants, etc.
Weekly Goals
- Read and take notes on PEP 8 (60%)
- Write a program that simulates Hangman (40%)
Closing Thoughts
I wanted to write this short, but necessary, blog in order to provide all of you with a heads up of what to expect from me.
Although I write these blogs to hold myself accountable, I also write them to speak my mind on various topics. These topics are normally unplanned with little to no forethought. I do have a couple of rules for the topics that I write about, though.
I will never write about politics or hot button issues.
I will never use this platform to condemn others.
And most importantly, I will write about topics that I either care about or have personal experiences with.