365 Days of Python: Day #55 — Career Complacency

Rick Deckard
2 min readJan 10, 2023

Complacency is a silent killer. And once you realize that you have become complacent, it is already too late.

Why would I want to be promoted? The benefit of increased pay does not correlate to the increased amount of responsibility that will be given to me.

I enjoy my job, and I do well in my role. I am afraid that if I switch roles, then I will start making mistakes and do worse on performance reviews.

I do not like my job, but my degree does not allow me to switch roles. Therefore, I will just ride it out until retirement.

It is completely normal to have these thoughts. Complacency brings comfort, and comfort is something that most people are not willing to sacrifice.

Day #55 (1/8/2023)

“He who is content with what has been done is an obstacle in the path of progress.”

— Helen Keller


  • Added a clear() function to my PotW (see below)
def clear():
if os.name == "posix":
  • Wrote the user_net_monthly_income() function for my PotW (see below)
def user_net_monthly_income():

