365 Days of Python: Day #60 — Financial Freedom

Rick Deckard
2 min readJan 15, 2023

Did you know that in 2018, three people had a higher combined net worth than the poorest half of Americans? Those three people were Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett.

Additionally, did you that only 28.5% of adults in the U.S. are fully financially independent? Therefore, the remaining 71.5% of adults in the U.S. depend on their parents or friends for financial support.

These statistics not only highlight the ever-growing wealth gap in today’s world, but they also highlight how difficult and rare it is to be financially free.

Day #60 (1/13/2023)

“Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.”

— Margaret Bonanno


Weekly Goals

  • Write a program that simulates a Magic 8-Ball (0%)

Closing Thoughts

Like most people in the world, I am nowhere near financial freedom. However, I make sure to contribute a significant portion of my income to a retirement fund so that I one day might be financially free.

To be honest, though, I have never had a desire to become as rich as possible. I like having money, but it has never been something that I center my goals around.

Rather, my goals are centered around living a fulfilling life. Granted, some things still require a certain amount of money. Therefore, I have to work full-time and budget in a financially-competent manner.

