365 Days of Python: Day #85 — Musically Motivated

Rick Deckard
2 min readFeb 9, 2023

Some studies suggest that 90% of employees work better when listening to music.

But what qualifies as “working better”?

In my opinion, working better translates to getting more work completed in the same amount of time. Working better can also translate to producing more accurate work. And those aforementioned studies actually suggest that 88% of employees produce more accurate work when listening to music.

Why does music help employees work better?

Although there is not a scientifically-backed reason as to why music makes employee work better, there is still no doubt (as indicated by the previously mentioned statistics) that music does increase productivity.

Day #85 (2/7/2023)

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”

― Confucius


  • Revisited my notes on PyGame

Weekly Goals

  • Write a program that emulates a music player (0%)

Closing Thoughts

For me, doing any kind of work without music feels like torture.

Therefore, it would be safe to say that I fit into the 90% of employees who work better when listening to music. I would even go as far to say that my productivity is boosted by a factor of two when I am listening to music.

And to be honest, it does not really matter which genre of music I am listening to. It can be classical, electronic, or indie. As long as there is music on (and I am enjoying it), my productivity will be on overdrive.

