Technology Enhances Creativity

Lauren Cho
2 min readApr 26, 2018


Technology has come a long way. From flip phones to smart phones, technology these days never fails to impress the world. As technology advances with time, it also enhances people’s creativity.

People are able to constantly search things and discover new information they didn’t know before. It allows us to become educated and have an outlet to speak our minds.

This ties in with people’s creativity and how it’s shown. Now not only can we share the ideas we have but also view each others. What I mean by this is watch people’s videos posted on the internet through Youtube.

Youtube has become a multibillion dollar enterprise over the past years. Although relatively new, Youtube’s success is owed to all the video creators and their viewers. They are able to voice their different skills and opinions. A lot of Youtubers discuss that without Youtube they would have been in worse shape with no way to channel their messages to the world. Using video cameras and editing their videos on computers, it all aids them to put out their best product. Technology is able to help boost their creativity.

Becoming a more technological society increases our potential to engage in the types of experiences that lead to greater creativity. Having this technology available, people can make whatever they want. We have the reassurance of knowing that we can upload something straight from our phones and connect with information and people around the world.

Many people like to point out that having technology would decrease our creativity because we know too much information and have a lack of originality.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that it kills our creativity. Although we have all the information online, we can always add to other people’s thoughts and build off of them. Creativity does by no means have to be limited to finding an original idea. People can add to different concepts and this can also be called creativity.

While it’s nice to find the easy way out and copy someone else online, more people are posting what’s on their minds. Creativity is a much broader than what people believe it’s out to be and technology use is always used to portray everyones creativity as best as it can. Whether searching information for projects or your job, technology helps our creativity by guiding us to make our ideas better.

