Jago Last Wish — UX Case Study Challange

Edwin Desemsky Situmorang
7 min readNov 28, 2021


Goals UX Case

⚠️ Disclaimer: This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul, for the Kampus Merdeka program held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Jago Company.


In this current era, insurance is one of the most important things that everyone should have. Insurance is a form of risk control that is carried out by transferring risk from one party to another. However, the existing life insurance products are usually only sold as a form of prevention from disasters or bad things that will happen in the future. This is quite serious considering that not everyone has planned for the future. The research team has conducted a small study of the causes why someone does not want to have life insurance with the following results.

  1. People feel life insurance tends to make them think negatively about life.
  2. The existing life insurance is too monotonous.
  3. The existing life insurance has no fun at all.
  4. It’s very complicated to buy life insurance.
  5. There is no promo to lower monthly payments of life insurance.

With the results of the research, the company wants to change people's mindsets about life insurance by providing life insurance services that can be used in a fun way.


The objectives that can be found based on the problems that are encountered by users are:

  1. How to make digital life insurance so much fun to use?
  2. What additional features can attract the attention of users to use digital insurance?
  3. How do we implement the promo into the monthly insurance payment?

Role in Team

As a UX Designer, I collaborate with 2 team members, Juan David, and Fernaldhiianggadha. In this team, my responsibilities are:

  1. Doing secondary research to support pain point formulation.
  2. Research the pain problems and “how-might we” in the define stage.
  3. Research the solution idea, affinity diagram, prioritization idea, and make crazy 8’s in the ideate stage.
  4. Designing user flow for life insurance services
  5. Designing the digital wireframe based on the result of crazy 8's.
  6. Designing the UI according to the wireframe that has been made.
  7. Prototyping.
  8. Research Usability Testing.

UX Workflow

Design Process

In this project, we decide to implement a design thinking process to make decisions based on what users want instead of relying only on historical data or making risky bets based on instinct instead of evidence. Here are things I do while doing design thinking.

Figure Source: https://www.maqe.com/insight/the-design-thinking-process-how-does-it-work/

Empathize Stage

In this stage, we try to understand what people need about digital life insurance by doing some research. Jago has provided it for us. But still, we do secondary research to make it clearer what people need by observing feedback from users on existing digital insurance services. The results are:

  1. Most of the interfaces of digital insurance apps are not attractive at all.
  2. Life insurance should be more concerned with its users.
  3. An error often occurs when entering the policy number.
  4. There is no history of life insurance claims.

I also conducted a user persona to know more about our users and the frustration that is being encountered and relatable with life insurance.

After conducting the user persona, now it’s time for us to make the user journey map to understand user behaviour and what they really need.

Define Stage

In this stage, we determine the pain point that is encountered by users about digital insurance based on the result that we obtain in empathize stage. The following is the result that has been formulated.

We also do some research on the “How-Might We” as well. The following is the result of the how-might we that has been formulated.

Ideate Stage

In this stage, we start doing brainstorming ideas based on the results obtained on How-Might We. There are several steps that we have to do in this stage such as the solution idea, affinity diagram, prioritization idea, and crazy 8's.

Solution Idea

In this step, we start providing solution ideas as many as possible that can solve the problems encountered by the users. Here are some solution ideas that we obtain in this step.

Affinity Diagram

In this step, we group each existing solution idea into several groups.

Prioritization Idea

In this step, we determine which solution idea will be worked on first, next, last, and later. The following is the result of the prioritization idea that we have arranged.

Crazy 8's

In this step, we do crazy 8’s to create wireframes on paper quickly. The total time needed to do this step is 8 minutes. In the end, we are going to vote the result of the crazy 8’s to determine which frames/screens we want to make. Here is the result of the crazy 8's.

User Flow

To analyze deeper, We create 3 user flows according to the solution ideas that have been prioritized above:

  1. Life insurance
  2. Wills
  3. Health Care Service

The following is the user flow of the life insurance service that has been designed by my team.

The following is the user flow of the service of the will that has been designed by my team.

The following is the user flow of the health care service that has been designed by my team.

From the user flow, we jump to create the wireframes on Sketch. We highlight on the 3 pages. life insurance page, wills page, and health care page.

Wireframe 1 — Life Insurance Page

Wireframe 2 — Wills Page

Wireframe 3 Health Care Page


In this stage, we make the prototype based on the final mockup UI and user flow. The purpose of Prototyping is to allow you to streamline the design development process, focusing on important interface elements. Here is the result of the prototyping.


According to the plan that we’ve prepared, we do a validating at the end of the process to work up the flow and have a valid data comparison from our users. And to get the user data, we’ve done an in-depth interview with our users. To have a good data pattern and user problems, we have to get at least 5 users involved in this testing. But for some reason, in this case, 1 user is good enough to be involved in this testing.

User Criteria

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

In this project, We define that the criteria of our user should be

  1. Male
  2. 25 years old
  3. Work as an IT Staff
  4. Live in Bali, Indonesia


We have arranged the procedure before starting the interview as well. The purpose of this research procedure is to make the interview go smoothly. here is the detailed procedure that we’ve made.

User Interface

Usability Metric

To measure whether our proposed design is the ideal solution or not, we have prepared record data user research in a spreadsheet to record all the feedback from the user during the interview. We use two usability metrics, Singel Ease Question (SEQ) and System Usability Scale.

SEQ Result

SUS Result


From our research, we conclude that based on both SEQ and SUS our design is easier enough to use and usable, Even so, there are a few things that we have to make better from the design based on the feedback that we’ve got from the users during the interview.


Some development needs to be done to make this design even better. Some things that I recommend to be more developed are.

  1. Adding more health tracking options in the healthcare feature.
  2. Provide more payment methods.

