Helping the Elderly

Richard Mead
2 min readMay 20, 2019

I have personal growth and development when it comes to helping the elderly. Ever since I was a little boy I always seemed to be around old people. My grandmother, Oma, and my Aunt Ruby are some examples of elderly people I’ve assisted. I used to help my old Aunt Rubly pick weeds, feed the birds, and clean house. She has arthritis and needed my help. I also helped her friend Dorothy when she was over. I’d get her something out of the kitchen or whatever she needed.

Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

My grandmother needed a cain and I helped her a lot. I was always at her house helping her do chores. I’d help her get things out of the basement because it was hard for her to carry things upstairs. I also helped her by getting things she couldn’t reach. For example, if she put something under the bed, I’d get it for her. I helped my grandmother more than any other elderly person. I also helped her friends when they were over. I helped Mrs. Nelson at times. Sometimes she’d come over to my grandmother’s house and I’d put her coat in the closet for her. I’d also get her coat out of the closet for her. I also used to answer my grandmother’s phone for her when she couldn’t get to it quickly enough but I could. I also helped her set up her cell phone because she didn’t know how to do it herself.

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash

I used to help my uncle Aarne’s mother, Oma, when I’d see her. She’d come over to my grandmother’s house for the holidays and she also needed a cain. I’d get her plate for her and help her get some snacks from the kitchen. I’d give her Christmas gifts and help pack them up in a bag for her before she went home. I helped her when she needed it.

I’ve learned a lot over the years regarding the struggles and needs that may be faced by the elderly. I’ve learned this from family and friends.

