Should the United States be Trusted?

Why you can’t trust a superpower

Bruno Ribeiro Oliveira
3 min readNov 4, 2019

By now, anyone with interest in foreign relations or anyone with access to any news channel or newspaper has noticed that the United States abandoned the Kurds in their fight against the authoritarian regime of Turkey. The stab in the back has shaken the already complicated scenario in the Middle East. But that was not the first time the United States betrayed or attacked another country or people.

In Latin America, considered the backyard of the United States by ideologues of the country, it is no news that the country that upholds itself as the bastion for freedom and democracy has its hands drenched in blood. The United States government has supported dictatorships and coups in almost every country in Latin America. Not because it wanted to help the region or make it better, but because it was afraid to lose its grip in the internal politics of these countries and the access to the resources that happened to be in someone’s else soil.

Trump must think that he is putting America first, but America was always first when it comes to its foreign policy. Even when it was laundering money for right-wing guerrillas it was doing it for the sake of its own power and influence in the region of Central America.



Bruno Ribeiro Oliveira

I write about history while I do my PhD. research on the history of African Literature at the Universidad de Granada.